V6015. Consider inspecting the expression. Probably the '!='/'-='/'+=' should be used here.
The analyzer has detected a potential error, related to a strange usage of operators ('=!', '=-', '=+'). Most likely, their usage is incorrect and one of the following operators should be used here: '!=', '-=', '+='.
Operator '=!'
Example of suspicious code:
boolean a = ... ;
boolean b = ... ;
if (a =! b)
It's most probably that this code should check that the 'a' variable is not equal to 'b'. If so, the correct code should look like follows:
if (a != b)
The analyzer accounts for formatting in the expression. That's why if it is exactly assignment you need to perform - not comparison - you should specify it through parentheses or blanks. The following code samples are considered correct:
if (a = !b)
if (a=(!b))
Operator '=-'
Example of suspicious code:
int size = ... ;
int delta ... ;
size =- delta;
This code may be correct, but it is highly probable that there is a misprint and the programmer actually intended to use the '-=' operator. This is the fixed code:
size -= delta;
If the code is correct, you may type in an additional space between the characters '=' and '-' to remove the V6015 warning. This is an example of correct code where the warning is not generated:
size = -delta;
Operator '=+'
Example of suspicious code:
int size = ... ;
int delta ... ;
size =+ delta;
This is the fixed code:
If this code is correct, you may remove '+' or type in an additional space to prevent showing the V6015 warning. The following is an example of correct code where the warning is not generated:
size = delta;
size = +delta;
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