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Webinar: C++ semantics - 06.11

V3175. Locking operations must be perfo…
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V3175. Locking operations must be performed on the same thread. Using 'await' in a critical section may lead to a lock being released on a different thread.

May 06 2022

The analyzer found a code fragment that likely contains an error. This code fragment is a critical section formed by calls of the 'Monitor' class methods. This section contains the 'await' operator. Using this scenario may lead to the 'SynchronizationLockException' type exception.


static object _locker = new object();

public async void Foo()
  await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

The 'Monitor.Enter' method receives the '_locker' object as a parameter and acquires a lock for this object. The lock limits access to the code written after the method call. The lock applies to all threads except for the one, on which the lock was acquired. The 'Monitor.Exit' method call removes the lock, releases the locked object, and allows access to the next thread. A code fragment limited in this way is called a critical section.

The example above uses the 'await' operator after the 'Monitor.Enter' method call. Most likely, after 'await' is applied to an operation, subsequent code lines will be executed on a different thread. In this case, the critical section will be opened and closed on different threads. This will lead to the 'SynchronizationLockException' type exception.

The correct code, which will not arouse the analyzer's suspicion, may look like this:

static SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1);

private static async void Foo()
  await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

To implement the locking mechanism, the example above uses the internal counter of a 'SemaphoreSlim' class's instance. Calling 'Wait' decreases the counter's value by 1. If the counter equals 0, subsequent 'Wait' calls will block the calling threads until the counter's value is greater than zero. The counter's value is incremented with each 'Release' call — no matter on which thread this method was called.

If, when creating a 'SemaphoreSlim' type object, you pass 1 to the constructor, you will form something similar to a critical section between the 'Wait' and 'Release' calls. Inside this section, you will be able to use 'await' without the risk of getting the 'SynchronizationLockException' type exception.

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