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What's new in 7.31

What's new in PVS‑Studio 7.31

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User annotations for PVS-Studio C++ analyzer

Our C++ analyzer now supports setting up the .pvsconfig configuration files based on the analyzer version that uses these files.

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Enhanced individual file analysis mode

We enhanced the mode to analyze individual files via the --source-files flag in the pvs-studio-analyzer utility. We also improved the handling of scenarios in which the compilation dependency cache for C and C++ files differs from the project structure. This could happen if you often switch branches or analyze different project versions.


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Enhanced user annotation system

The system of user annotations in C++ analyzer now supports setting the constraints of allowed and disallowed values for integer function parameters.

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Enhanced CircleCI documentation

We enhanced and updated the documentation on the PVS-Studio integration into the CircleCI cloud CI system.

Learn more about updates in the release history
Looking for earlier updates? Watch this video
This video presents new features we added to PVS-Studio over the past 3 years. If you've just joined us or missed our new feature announcements - this video will help you stay up to date. It's only five minutes of your time!