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Install the plugin
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Thank you for installing PVS‑Studio
Now you can use the analyzer on your projects for free.
If you have any questions regarding the analyzer, check our documentation.
You can also send us feedback with the results of your analysis.
{'windows': {'cpp': {'install_links': [{'text': '.exe', 'href': '', 'size': '166 Mb'}], 'plugin_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for VisualStudio', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for CLion', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for VSCode', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for QtCreator', 'href': ''}]}, 'cs': {'install_links': [{'text': '.exe', 'href': '', 'size': '166 Mb'}], 'plugin_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for VisualStudio', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for Rider', 'href': ''}]}, 'java': {'install_links': [{'text': '.exe', 'href': '', 'size': '166 Mb'}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for IDEA together with PVS‑Studio', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': []}}, 'linux': {'cpp': {'install_links': [{'text': '.rpm', 'href': '', 'size': '29 Mb'}, {'text': '.deb', 'href': '', 'size': '29 Mb'}, {'text': '.tgz', 'href': '', 'size': '34 Mb'}, {'text': 'Install from repositories', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for CLion', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for VSCode', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for QtCreator', 'href': ''}]}, 'cs': {'install_links': [{'text': '.rpm', 'href': '', 'size': '24 Mb'}, {'text': '.deb', 'href': '', 'size': '29 Mb'}, {'text': '.tar.gz', 'href': '', 'size': '24 Mb'}, {'text': 'Install from repositories', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for Rider', 'href': ''}]}, 'java': {'install_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for IDEA together with PVS‑Studio', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': []}}, 'macos': {'cpp': {'install_links': [{'text': '.pkg', 'href': '', 'size': 'None Mb'}, {'text': '.tgz', 'href': '', 'size': 'None Mb'}, {'text': 'Install from repositories', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for CLion', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for VSCode', 'href': ''}, {'text': 'Install the plugin for QtCreator', 'href': ''}]}, 'cs': {'install_links': [{'text': '.tar.gz', 'href': '', 'size': 'None Mb'}, {'text': 'Install from repositories', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for Rider', 'href': ''}]}, 'java': {'install_links': [{'text': 'Install the plugin for IDEA together with PVS‑Studio', 'href': ''}], 'plugin_links': []}}}