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V2558. MISRA. A pointer/reference param…
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V2558. MISRA. A pointer/reference parameter in a function should be declared as pointer/reference to const if the corresponding object was not modified.

Dec 03 2019

This diagnostic rule is based on the software development guidelines developed by MISRA (Motor Industry Software Reliability Association).

This diagnostic rule applies only to code written in C++. The analyzer has detected a situation where an object is passed to a function by pointer or reference without being further modified in the body of the function. This may be a sign of a programming mistake. If this is really the programmer's intention not to modify the object, then the function's signature lacks precision without the 'const' qualifier. Adding 'const' helps prevent potential bugs and make the function's implementation clearer.

Example of non-compliant code:

size_t StringEval(std::string &str)
  return str.size();

The 'str' variable here is used only to perform a read operation even though it is passed by a non-constant reference. Explicitly declaring the function's parameter constant would signal to the maintainer that the function does not modify the object, and prevent any potential bugs that may occur when changing the function itself.

Fixed code:

size_t StringEval(const std::string &str)
  return str.size();

This diagnostic is classified as:

  • MISRA-CPP-7.1.2
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