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V052. A critical error had occurred.
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V052. A critical error had occurred.

Jul 18 2017

The appearance of V052 message means that a critical error had occurred inside the analyzer. It is most likely that several source files will not be analyzed.

You can get additional information about this error from two sources: the analyzer report file (plog) and standard output stream of error messages stderr (when you use the command line version).

If you are using the IDE Visual Studio or Standalone application the error stack is displayed in PVS-Studio window. The stack will be recorded in the very beginning of the plog file. At the same time the stack is divided into substrings, and each of them is recorded and displayed as a separate error without number.

If you are working from the command line, you can analyze the return code of the command line version to understand that the exception occurred, and then examine the plog, without opening it in the IDE Visual Studio or Standalone application. For this purpose, the report can be converted, for example, to a text file using the PlogConverter utility. Return codes of the command line version are described in the section "Analyzing Visual C++ (.vcxproj) and Visual C # project (.csproj) projects from the command line", used utilities - PlogConverter - "Managing the Analysis Results (plog file)".

Although the V052 message is quite rare, we will appreciate if you can help us fixing the issue that had cause it. To accomplish this, please send the exception stack from PVS-Studio output window (or the message from stderr in case the command line version was utilized) to support@viva64.com.

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