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Posts: C++ articles

Why I Dislike Synthetic Tests
Andrey Karpov
I don't like it when people use artificial code examples to evaluate the diagnostic capabilities of static code analyzers. There is one particular example I'm going to discuss to explain my...
How PVS-Studio does the bug search: methods and technologies
Andrey Karpov
PVS-Studio is a static code analyzer, that searches for errors and vulnerabilities in programs written in C, C++ and C#. In this article, I am going to uncover the technologies that we use...
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Dec 12 2016
Linux Kernel, tested by the Linux-version of PVS-Studio
Pavel Belikov
Since the release of the publicly available Linux-version of PVS-Studio, it was just a matter of time until we would recheck the Linux kernel. It is quite a challenge for any static code analyzer...
Nov 21 2016
PVS-Studio for Linux Went on a Tour Around Disney
Maxim Stefanov
Recently we released a Linux version of PVS-Studio analyzer, which we had used before to check a number of open-source projects such as Chromium, GCC, LLVM (Clang), and others. Now this list...
Nov 14 2016
The Development History of PVS-Studio for Linux
Pavel Belikov, Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Earlier this year, we started doing something that we had felt uncertain about for a long time, namely porting PVS-Studio to Linux. In this article, I will tell you how we made the decision to...
Oct 31 2016
Finding bugs in the code of LLVM project with the help of PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
About two months ago I wrote an article about the analysis of GCC using PVS-Studio. The idea of the article was as follows: GCC warnings are great, but they're not enough. It is necessary to...
Oct 27 2016
Linux version of PVS-Studio couldn't help checking CodeLite
Maxim Stefanov
As is already known to our readers, PVS-Studio static analyzer is exploring a new development direction - the Linux platform; as you may have noticed from the previous articles, it is doing...
Oct 26 2016
Heading for a Record: Chromium, the 5th Check
Phillip Khandeliants
We checked Chromium more than once before, and those who follow our blog could reasonably ask, "Why another check? Weren't there enough of them?" Sure, Chromium's source code is particularly...
Oct 05 2016
Honest PVS-Studio Review by an Ordinary Programmer
Anton Sergienko
PVS-Studio is a program that looks for bugs in the source code of C++ and C# projects that can't be seen by the compiler yet are almost sure to be programming...
Oct 04 2016
I just had to check ICQ project
Andrey Karpov
I just cannot pass by the source code of ICQ messenger. It is a kind of a cult project, and when I saw the source code on GitHub, it was just a matter of time, when we will check it with...
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