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Posts: Java articles

Jul 12 2024
Authorization pitfalls: what does Keycloak cloak?
Valerii Filatov
User authorization and registration are important parts of any application, not only for users but also for security. What pitfalls does the source code of a popular open-source identity...
Jun 21 2024
Bitwise operators in Java: unpacking ambiguities
Kirill Epifanov
The "&" and "|" operators are pretty straightforward and unambiguous when applied correctly. But do you know all the implications of using bitwise operators instead of logical ones in Java? In...
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Jun 17 2024
How template method can ruin your Java code
Konstantin Volohovsky
OOP is wonderful. Programmers usually criticize those who don't follow this paradigm, while the knowledge of patterns is often a must. However, even the right approach doesn't completely protect...
Jun 05 2024
Volatile, DCL, and synchronization pitfalls in Java
Konstantin Volohovsky
What if common knowledge is actually more nuanced, and old familiar things like Double-checked locking are quite controversial? Examining the code of real projects gives this kind of thought. In...
Apr 19 2024
21 bugs in 21st version of Apache NetBeans
Daniil Liakhov
Apache NetBeans is one of the first IDEs for Java. It has been supported for nearly 30 years. Recently, Apache NetBeans 21 was released. We've decided to check the source code of such a...
Apr 10 2024
Code of game engine written in Java: what does it hide?
Kirill Epifanov
Have you ever wondered about game engines written in Java? jMonkeyEngine is such an engine, and a popular one. In this article, we will look at it and check its source code for errors. We may...
OOP in real-life cases
Konstantin Volohovsky
In most cases, you can solve a task in an intuitive, procedural way. However, the simplest option isn't always the best. I invite you to take a look at a real-world example of transforming a...
Feb 09 2024
PVS-Studio extension for Visual Studio Code: searching for errors in Java code
Andrey Moskalev
Are you a Java developer and prefer to work in VS Code? Good news! Now you can enhance code safety with the PVS-Studio extension, which helps detect errors in Java projects and much...
Dec 14 2023
Operation K. Looking for bugs in the IntelliJ IDEA code
Kirill Epifanov
In this article, we check the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition project for errors and send the fixes to its developers. A large project, an open-source base, and a static analyzer that helps...
Dec 08 2023
Few words about Java code hygiene
Konstantin Volohovsky
While reviewing code or working on a new project, we can get annoyed by many things: style, approaches, quality. However, the most frustrating is the trite lack of code hygiene. Since the issue...
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