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Posts: C++ articles

Mar 31 2017
Weaknesses detected by PVS-Studio this week: episode N4
Andrey Karpov
We decided to search and fix potential vulnerabilities in various projects. You can call this as you wish - some kind of help to open source projects; a method of promotion or testing of...
Mar 24 2017
Weaknesses detected by PVS-Studio this week: episode N3
Andrey Karpov
We decided to search and fix potential vulnerabilities in various projects. You can call this as you wish - some kind of help to open source projects; a method of promotion or testing of...
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The way static analyzers fight against false positives, and why they do it
Andrey Karpov
In my previous article I wrote that I don't like the approach of evaluating the efficiency of static analyzers with the help of synthetic tests. In that article, I give the example of a code...
Mar 17 2017
Weaknesses detected by PVS-Studio this week: episode N2
Andrey Karpov
We decided to search and fix potential vulnerabilities in various projects. You can call this as you wish - some kind of help to open source projects; a method of promotion or testing of...
Mar 16 2017
PVS-Studio: searching software weaknesses
Andrey Karpov, Phillip Khandeliants
PVS-Studio has always been able to detect a large number of various security defects (potential vulnerabilities) in the program code. However, historically, we positioned PVS-Studio as a tool...
Mar 10 2017
Weaknesses detected by PVS-Studio this week: episode N1
Andrey Karpov
We decided to search and fix potential vulnerabilities in various projects. You can call this as you wish - some kind of help to open source projects; a method of promotion or testing of...
Mar 10 2017
Top 10 bugs in C++ open source projects, checked in 2016
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
While the world is discussing the 89th Ceremony of Oscar award and charts of actors and costumes, we've decided to write a review article about the IT-sphere. The article is going to cover the...
Feb 16 2017
Porting is a Delicate Matter: Checking Far Manager under Linux
Phillip Khandeliants
Far Manager, which takes over from Norton Commander, created back in the times of DOS, is one of the most popular file managers on Microsoft Windows. Far Manager facilitates the file...
Feb 15 2017
About optimizations
Vladimir Tatarchevskij
Verifying the recommendation "Don't do the compilers job" from the book "The Ultimate Question of Programming, Refactoring, and Everything".
Feb 14 2017
Checking the World of Warcraft CMaNGOS open source server
Egor Bredikhin
In this article, I would like to share the results of our analysis of the open source implementation of the World of Warcraft server, CMaNGOS, as done by the PVS-Studio static...
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