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Posts: C++ articles

Jul 22 2016
Python and Ruby implementations compared by the error density
Pavel Belikov
Which programming language to start learning? Python or Ruby? Which one is better? Django or Ruby on Rails? Such questions can often be found on IT forums around the world. I suggest comparing...
Jul 21 2016
PVS-Studio team is about to produce a technical breakthrough, but for now let's recheck Blender
Alexander Chibisov
Static analysis is most useful when it is done on a regular basis. Especially when the project is rapidly developing, like the Blender project, for example. Now it's time to check it once more...
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Jul 13 2016
Checking the Source Code of Nana Library with PVS-Studio
Kirill Yudintsev
With the appearance of new C++ standards, C++ developers started to move to the new programming style, known as Modern C++, and projects that make use of the new style started to appear. Static...
Jul 03 2016
PVS-Studio is there to help CERN: analysis of Geant4 project
Alexander Chibisov
Geant4 project continues developing, so it's really interesting to recheck it with PVS-Studio static code analyzer. This time we'll do a check of version 10.2 (previously, we...
Jun 22 2016
The Little Unicorn That Could
Andrey Karpov
One of the Microsoft development teams already uses PVS-Studio analyzer in their work. It's great, but it's not enough. That's why I keep demonstrating how static code analysis could...
Jun 20 2016
Anomalies in X-Ray Engine
Pavel Belikov
The X-Ray Engine is a game engine, used in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. Its code was made public in September 16 2014, and since then, STALKER fans continue its development. A large project...
Jun 17 2016
OpenJDK check by PVS-Studio
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Nowadays a lot of projects are opening their source code and letting those who are interested in the development of it edit the code. We'll check one such project - OpenJDK and help the...
Jun 06 2016
Checking 7-Zip with PVS-Studio analyzer
Kirill Yudintsev
One of the programs, which allows you to solve the problem of data compression, is a popular file archiver 7-Zip, which I often use myself. Our readers have long asked us to check the code of...
May 30 2016
Typos in Miranda IM
Alexander Chibisov
This article is about common errors which happen due to typos, using Miranda IM as a case in point. Many of these errors can lead to incorrect program behavior; some of them don't do much harm...
May 11 2016
Analyzing Firebird 3.0
Pavel Belikov
A new version of Firebird DBMS was released not so long ago. This release was one of the most significant in the project's history, as it marked substantial revision of the architecture, addition...
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