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Posts: C++ articles

Sep 30 2016
What's Hiding Inside the GNU Boot Loader? Searching for Bugs in Grub
Alexander Chibisov
PVS-Studio analyzer continues to explore and adapt to the Linux platform. Today we will take a look at the bugs that the tool managed to find in the Grub boot loader.
Sep 16 2016
GDB - a tough nut to crack: only a few bugs found by PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
GDB is a tool that is hard to live without. Of course, as Brooks says: "The quality in software development is achieved through proper design, not by endless testing". However, proper design...
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Sep 15 2016
How to avoid bugs using modern C++
Pavel Belikov
One of the main problems with C++ is having a huge number of constructions whose behavior is undefined, or is just unexpected for a programmer. We often come across them when using our...
Sep 06 2016
Rechecking Apache HTTP Server
Alexander Chibisov
Apache HTTP Server project continues to develop, and so does PVS-Studio analyzer, growing even more powerful with every new version. Let's see what we've got this time.
Sep 02 2016
A space error: 370.000.000 $ for an integer overflow
Aleksey Statsenko
Start. 37 seconds of flight. KaBOOM! 10 years and 7 billion dollars are turning into...
Aug 31 2016
Bugs found in GCC with the help of PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
I regularly check various open-source projects to demonstrate the abilities of the PVS-Studio static code analyzer (C, C++, C#). Now it is time for the GCC compiler to get checked...
Aug 22 2016
Checking the Code of LDAP-Server ReOpenLDAP on Our Readers' Request
Egor Bredikhin
In this article, I'd like to talk about the analysis of ReOpenLDAP project. It was developed to help solve issues that PAO (PJSC) MegaFon, Russia's largest mobile network operator, was faced...
Aug 15 2016
Waiting for the Linux-version: Checking the Code of Inkscape Graphics Editor
Egor Bredikhin
In this article, I talk about the analysis results for another popular open-source project, vector graphics editor Inkscape 0.92. The project has been developing for over 12 years now and provides...
Aug 11 2016
Update on Analysis Results for CPython and Ruby
Pavel Belikov
In one of our recent articles, we were comparing error density of the classical implementations of the languages Python and Ruby and made a mistake in the article itself: in the list of errors...
Aug 03 2016
Long-Awaited Check of CryEngine V
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
In May 2016, German game-development company Crytek made a decision to upload the source code of their game engine CryEngine V to GitHub. The engine is written in C++ and has immediately...
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