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Posts: C++ articles

Apr 06 2015
Of Evil Accidentally Summoned by a Sorcerer's Disciples
Sergey Vasiliev
Studying programming languages does take time and effort. But you can't avoid the thorny path if you are eager to thoroughly master the language, its principles, means and intricacies. C++ is...
Mar 19 2015
Analyzing Vim by PVS-Studio in GNU/Linux
Anton Tokarev
You probably thought that this would be another article about how we checked one more open-source project. But this article is actually not as much about the check itself, as it is about the...
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Mar 17 2015
PVS-Studio: 25 Suspicious Code Fragments in CoreCLR
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
The Microsoft Corporation has recently published, for free, access the source code of the CoreCLR engine, which is a key component of .NET Core. We couldn't help but pay attention to this event...
Mar 01 2015
LibreOffice Project's Check
Andrey Karpov
We invite you to read a new article, about how we analyzed another well-known open-source project. This time it is the LibreOffice office suite that I have examined. The project is developed by...
Feb 24 2015
Bugs Found by LibreOffice in PVS-Studio
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Usually we check various projects by PVS-Studio. This time, it's been vice versa: We have checked PVS-Studio by LibreOffice :-). And then managed to do the opposite check as...
Feb 16 2015
Null Pointer Dereferencing Causes Undefined Behavior
Andrey Karpov
I have unintentionally raised a large debate recently concerning the question of whether it is legal in C/C++ to use the &P->m_foo expression with P being a null pointer. The programmers...
Feb 09 2015
PVS-Studio for Visual C++
Andrey Karpov
Many of our articles are concentrated on anything but the PVS-Studio analyzer itself. We tell our readers about projects we have checked, nuances of C++ language, creation of plugins in C#...
Feb 02 2015
Checking MatrixSSL with PVS-Studio and Cppcheck
Pavel Pimenov
In this article, I'm going to tell you about a check of the MatrixSSL project done with the static analyzers for C/C++ code PVS-Studio and...
Jan 28 2015
PVS-Studio and Hostile Environment
Andrey Karpov
This is another story about programs having a hard time trying to interact with the external world. At first glance, a static analyzer should face no problems at all. It just gets files and...
Jan 15 2015
Reflections on the Null Pointer Dereferencing Issue
Andrey Karpov
As I have recently found out, the question whether or not the code &((T*)(0)->x) is correct appears to be quite complicated. I decided to write a small post on this...
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