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Posts: C++ articles

Jun 20 2015
How the PVS-Studio Team Improved Unreal Engine's Code
Paul Eremeev, Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Our company develops, promotes, and sells the PVS-Studio static code analyzer for C/C++ programmers. However, our collaboration with customers is not limited solely to selling PVS-Studio...
Jun 06 2015
C++ in the modern world
Sergey Vasiliev
Debates on the present state of C++ in the programming world divide the participants into two camps: some dislike C++ and predict it's imminent death, while others believe that it will persist as...
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Jun 04 2015
Static Analysis of Wireshark by PVS-Studio
Andrey Kalashnikov
In this article, I will tell and show you how to carry out static analysis of C/C++ program code by PVS-Studio by the example of the open-source project Wireshark. We'll start with a...
May 29 2015
A Unicorn Seeking Extraterrestrial Life: Analyzing SETI@home's Source Code
Sergey Vasiliev
Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. (c) Arthur Charles...
May 25 2015
Analyzing the Source Code of UEFI for Intel Galileo by PVS-Studio
Nikolaj Schlej
Firmware development, even when done not in assembler for exotic architectures but in plain C for i386/amd64, is a pretty tough job, where a single bug can cost too much - up to a major failure...
May 21 2015
64-Bit Code in 2015: New in the Diagnostics of Possible Issues
Sergey Vasiliev
64-bit issues are pretty hard to detect because they are like a timebomb: it may take quite a while before they show up. The PVS-Studio static analyzer makes it easier to find and fix such...
Apr 30 2015
Analyzing FreeCAD's Source Code and Its "Sick" Dependencies
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
This article was initially meant as a review of bugs found in the FreeCAD open-source project but eventually took a bit different direction. It happened because a considerable portion of the...
Apr 30 2015
Analysis of Godot Engine's Source Code
Sergey Vasiliev
In February 2014, the Argentinian studio OKAM made public the source code of their multi-platform game engine Godot Engine and not so long ago, version 1.0 was released. As you have already...
Apr 24 2015
Analysis of Haiku Operating System (BeOS Family) by PVS-Studio. Part 2
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
This is the second and last part of the large article about analysis of the Haiku operating system. In the first article, we discussed a variety of possible errors all of which one way or...
Apr 22 2015
Analysis of Haiku Operating System (BeOS Family), by PVS-Studio, Part 1
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Operating systems are among the largest and most complicated software projects, and that means they perfectly suit the purpose of demonstrating the capabilities of static code analysis. After...
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