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Posts: C++ articles

Sep 22 2014
Checking Oracle VM VirtualBox. Part 2
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Virtual machines are used for very different tasks. Personally I have been using VirtualBox for many years to test software and simply study various Linux distributions. And now, after years of...
Sep 19 2014
Checking Oracle VM VirtualBox. Part 1
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Virtual machines are used for very different tasks. Personally, I have been using VirtualBox for many years to test software, and simply study various Linux distributions. And now, after years...
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Sep 10 2014
Valgrind: Good but Not Enough
Andrey Karpov
Not so long ago we tried to demonstrate the benefit of using the PVS-Studio static analyzer to one company. We failed, but while corresponding with them, I prepared a detailed answer about the...
Sep 01 2014
A Post About Analyzing PHP
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. As of January 2013, PHP was installed on more than 240 million...
Aug 26 2014
Asterisk: PVS-Studio Takes Up Telephony
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Asterisk is a software implementation of a telephone private branch exchange (PBX); it was created in 1999 by Mark Spencer of Digium. Like any PBX, it allows attached telephones to make calls to...
Aug 21 2014
Checking the Cross-Platform Framework Cocos2d-x
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Cocos2d is an open source software framework. It can be used to build games, apps and other cross-platform GUI based interactive programs. Cocos2d contains many branches with the best known...
Aug 15 2014
Checking GIMP's Source Code with PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
To check GIMP, we should first find a way to get it compile successfully. This task is far from easy, that's why we had been constantly delaying the check. However, the project is too famous, and...
Aug 13 2014
Checking Wine with PVS-Studio and Clang Static Analyzer
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
In this article, I'm going to tell you about the check of the Wine project done by the static analyzers for C/C++ code PVS-Studio and Clang Static...
Aug 11 2014
Can We Trust the Libraries We Use?
Andrey Karpov
Any large modern application consists of numerous third-party libraries, and I'd like to discuss the topic of our trust in these libraries. In books and articles, there are lots of debates about...
Aug 08 2014
Checking PVS-Studio with Clang
Andrey Karpov
Yes, you've read it right. This time we are writing an "opposite" article: it's not about us checking some third-party project but about our own tool checked by another tool. We actually...
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