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Posts: C++ articles

Oct 21 2015
Analyzing Wine: One Year Later
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
One year ago, we picked Wine project to analyze with PVS-Studio and provided the analysis results in an article within the scope of our practice of analyzing open-source projects. So the article...
Oct 11 2015
Hello, Is That FreeSWITCH? Then We're Coming to Check You!
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Following our readers' requests, we have scanned the open-source project FreeSWITCH with PVS-Studio. This project was initially founded by the developers of the Asterisk project, which we...
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Sep 29 2015
Checking Appleseed source code
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Majority of the projects we report about in the articles contain dozens of PVS-Studio analyzer warnings. Of course we choose just a small portion of data from the analyzer report to be in...
Sep 24 2015
Static Analysis of Mozilla Thunderbird's Code by PVS-Studio
Igor Shtukarev
In this article, we will talk about the analysis of the Mozilla Thunderbird project by the PVS-Studio static analyzer. Being a Thunderbird user, I would occasionally run into hangs and...
Sep 23 2015
Analysis of Telegram by PVS-Studio and Vice Versa
Sergey Vasiliev
It's interesting to analyze projects and doubly so to analyze well-known projects, especially when you use them yourself. Even more interesting it would be to analyze a project with high-quality...
Aug 18 2015
Documenting Bugs in Doxygen
Igor Shtukarev
In this article, we will speak about the static analysis of the doxygen documentation generator tool. This popular and widely used project, which, as its authors claim, not without reason, has...
Aug 13 2015
PVS-Studio Meets Octave
Igor Shtukarev
In this article, I'm going to tell you about my experience of analyzing the Octave project. It is quite a popular one, especially among students who need to scan their math task solutions yet...
Jul 28 2015
An Ideal Way to Integrate a Static Code Analyzer into a Project
Andrey Karpov
One of the most difficult things about using static analysis tools is managing false positives. There are a number of ways to eliminate them using the analyzer's settings or changing the code...
Jul 04 2015
HPX and PVS-Studio
Hartmut Kaiser
We have used a trial version of PVS-Studio for HPX previously, but I vaguely remembered it as being very verbose in its diagnostics. I have read a lot about the tool lately, and since it was a...
Jun 23 2015
How We Tried Static Analysis on Our X-Ray Endovascular Surgery Training Simulator Project
Ivan Andryashin
In this article, I'd like to tell you a story about how we analyzed our project with the PVS-Studio static code analyzer trying to find out how much we could benefit from this tool. I won't...
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