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Posts: C++ articles

Apr 28 2016
Analysis of PHP7
Sergey Vasiliev
Sometimes checking a project one more time can be quite amusing. It helps to see which errors were fixed, and which ones got into the code since the time it was last checked. My colleague has...
Apr 14 2016
The Ultimate Question of Programming, Refactoring, and Everything
Andrey Karpov
Yes, you've guessed correctly - the answer is "42". In this article you will find 42 recommendations about coding in C++ that can help a programmer avoid a lot of errors, save time and effort...
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Logical Expressions in C, C++, C#, and Java. Mistakes Made by Professionals
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
In programming, a logical expression is a language construct that is evaluated as true or false. Many books that teach programming "from scratch" discuss possible operations on logical...
Apr 07 2016
Toonz code leaves much to be desired
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Recently the world got to know that Digital Video, the makers of TOONZ, and DWANGO, a Japanese publisher, have signed an agreement for the acquisition by Dwango of Toonz, an animation software...
Apr 06 2016
Safe Clearing of Private Data
Roman Fomichev
We often need to store private data in programs, for example passwords, secret keys, and their derivatives, and we usually need to clear their traces in the memory after using them so that...
Apr 04 2016
Analyzing Samba with PVS-Studio on Linux
Aurelien Aptel
If you have followed the last developement in C/C++ static analysis tools you must have heard of PVS-Studio. I heard of them through the articles they publish on their site where they analyze...
Mar 22 2016
Detecting Overflows of 32-Bit Variables in Long Loops in 64-Bit Programs
Andrey Karpov
One of the problems that 64-bit software developers have to face is overflows of 32-bit variables in very long loops. PVS-Studio code analyzer is very good at catching issues of this type (see...
Mar 21 2016
Serious Sam shooter anniversary - finding bugs in the code of the Serious Engine v.1.10
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
The first-person shooter 'Serious Sam' celebrated its release anniversary on March, 2016. In honor of this, the game developers form the Croatian company Croteam decided to open the source code...
Mar 18 2016
Analyzing the GTK+ Cross-Platform Widget Toolkit with PVS-Studio
Roman Fomichev
Widget toolkits are used to make the process of application GUI development easier, and GTK+ is one of them. It is this project that I picked for my first article about the PVS-Studio analyzer...
Mar 10 2016
A fresh eye on Oracle VM VirtualBox
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Virtual machines are important tools in the arsenal of a software developer. Being an active user of VirtualBox, and checking various open source projects with the help of it, I was...
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