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Posts: C++ articles

Mar 12 2019
Counting Bugs in Windows Calculator
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
A few days ago, Microsoft made the source code of their Windows Calculator publicly available. Calculator is an application that has traditionally shipped with every Windows version. A number...
Feb 21 2019
False Positives in PVS-Studio: How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes
Andrey Karpov
Our team provides quick and effective customer support. User requests are handled solely by programmers since our clients are programmers themselves and they often ask tricky questions. Today...
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Feb 07 2019
Wanna Play a Detective? Find the Bug in a Function from Midnight Commander
Andrey Karpov
In this article, we invite you to try to find a bug in a very simple function from the GNU Midnight Commander project. Why? For no particular reason. Just for fun. Well, okay, it's a lie. We...
Feb 04 2019
Sixth Chromium Check, Afterword
Andrey Karpov
At the beginning of 2018 our blog was complemented with a series of articles on the sixth check of the source code of the Chromium project. The series includes 8 articles on errors...
Dec 21 2018
Shoot yourself in the foot when handling input data
Sergey Vasiliev
The linking concept of today's article differs from usual. This time it is not one project, the source code of which was analyzed, but a number of warnings related to one and the same diagnostic...
Dec 18 2018
Checking LibrePCB with PVS-Studio Inside a Docker Container
Andrey Karpov, Sviatoslav Razmyslov
This is a classic article, where we share our experience of checking an open-source project called LibrePCB with PVS-Studio. What makes it special, though, is the fact that the analysis was...
Dec 12 2018
Into Space Again: how the Unicorn Visited Stellarium
George Gribkov
Over the course of its history, humanity has been making enormous efforts to study the night sky. By now, we have mapped almost the entire area of it. We have observed hundreds of thousands...
Dec 10 2018
PVS-Studio: Support of MISRA C and MISRA C++ Coding Standards
Andrey Karpov
Starting with the version 6.27, the PVS-Studio static code analyzer can classify its warnings according to MISRA C and MISRA C++ standards. Due to support of these standards it has become possible...
Nov 27 2018
Godot: On Regular Use of Static Analyzers
Andrey Karpov
Because of our ever-expanding audience, we have to write new articles so that the new readers could learn about the correct way of using static code analysis. We believe that it is...
Technologies used in the PVS-Studio code analyzer for finding bugs and potential vulnerabilities
Andrey Karpov
A brief description of technologies used in the PVS-Studio tool, which let us effectively detect a large number of error patterns and potential vulnerabilities. The article describes...
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