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Posts: C++ articles

Jul 29 2019
Almost Perfect Libraries by Electronic Arts
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Our attention was recently attracted by the Electronic Arts repository on GitHub. It's tiny, and of the twenty-three projects available there, only a few C++ libraries seemed interesting...
Jul 26 2019
Best Copy-Paste Algorithms for C and C++. Haiku OS Cookbook
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Numerous typos and Copy-Paste code became the main topic of the additional article about checking the Haiku code by the PVS-Studio analyzer. Yet this article mostly tells about errors related...
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Jul 25 2019
How to shoot yourself in the foot in C and C++. Haiku OS Cookbook
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
The story of how the PVS-Studio static analyzer and the Haiku OS code met goes back to the year 2015. It was an exciting experiment and useful experience for teams of both projects. Why...
Jul 23 2019
Getting Started with the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer for Visual C++
Sergey Larin
In this article, I'm going to tell you about PVS-Studio, an analyzer for C and C++ code, and show you how to use it in the Visual C++ environment. This guide is specifically intended for...
Jul 16 2019
On the Difference Between strlcat and strncat
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
While we are working hard on writing big articles on code check of the Haiku operating system, I'd like to give an example of an often found error with strncat function taken from that project...
Jul 15 2019
Errors that static code analysis does not find because it is not used
George Gribkov
Readers of our articles occasionally note that the PVS-Studio static code analyzer detects a large number of errors that are insignificant and don't affect the application. It is really so. For...
Jul 11 2019
PVS-Studio wanted but couldn't find bugs in robots.txt
Victoria Khanieva
The other day Google revealed the sources of the robots.txt parser. Why not give a run for the already far and wide checked project using PVS-Studio and possibly find a bug. So said so done. But...
Jun 28 2019
PVS-Studio in the Clouds: Travis CI
Oleg Andreev
At the moment, cloud CI systems are a highly-demanded service. In this article, we'll tell you how to integrate analysis of source code into a CI cloud platform with the tools that are...
Jun 27 2019
PVS-Studio for Visual Studio
Sergey Larin
Many of our articles are focused on anything, but not the PVS-Studio tool itself. Whereas we do a lot to make its usage convenient for developers. Nevertheless, our efforts are often concealed...
Jun 26 2019
The dangers of using multi-character constants
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
During code analysis, PVS-Studio analyzes the data flow and operates variable values. Values are taken from constants or derived from conditional expressions. We call them virtual values...
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