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Posts: C++ articles

Nov 20 2018
NCBI Genome Workbench: Scientific Research under Threat
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Modern computer technologies, hardware and software solutions all make it much easier and faster for us to do various kinds of scientific research. Computer simulation is often the only way to...
Oct 23 2018
PVS-Studio Now Supports GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
Yuri Minaev
Embedded systems have been around for a long time. It is paramount that they should be stable and reliable, and fixing bugs in them is extremely costly. That's why embedded developers benefit...
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Oct 22 2018
How PVS-Studio Proved to Be More Attentive Than Three and a Half Programmers
Andrey Karpov
Just like other static analyzers, PVS-Studio often produces false positives. What you are about to read is a short story where I'll tell you how PVS-Studio proved, just one more time, to be...
Oct 19 2018
LibreOffice: Accountant's Nightmare
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
LibreOffice is a powerful Office package, which is free for private, educational and commercial use. Programmers working on it, develop a wonderful product that is used in many areas as...
Oct 15 2018
A Third Check of Qt 5 with PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
Every now and then, we re-check projects that we already checked and mentioned in our articles in the past. Qt is one of them. The last time we checked it with PVS-Studio was in 2014. Starting...
Oct 05 2018
Perl 5: How to Hide Errors in Macros
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Perl 5 was chosen to expand the list of open source programming languages that have been tested using the PVS-Studio static code analyzer. This article is about found errors and difficulties...
Sep 19 2018
Once again the PVS-Studio analyzer has proved to be more attentive than a person
Andrey Karpov
Investigating warnings of the PVS-Studio analyzer when checking various open source projects, we see for ourselves again and again how useful this tool can be. The code analyzer is...
Aug 15 2018
Good job, authors of the game 0 A.D!
Andrey Karpov
0 A.D. is a 3D game in the genre of historical real-time strategy, developed by a community of volunteers. The size of the code base is small and I decided to perform checking of this game as a...
Aug 01 2018
We Checked the Android Source Code by PVS-Studio, or Nothing is Perfect
Andrey Karpov
Development of large complex projects is impossible without the use of programming techniques and tools helping to monitor the quality of the code. First, it requires a literate coding standard...
Jul 27 2018
Reviewing Defects in the Source Code of Video Game Vangers: One for the Road
George Gribkov
The Vangers: One for the Road video game just recently turned 20. To celebrate this event, we decided to check the source code of the project and make a review of interesting bugs found. This...
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