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Posts: C++ articles

Mar 22 2021
One useful comment
Andrey Karpov
Most influential programmers say that code must be self-documenting. They find comments useful only when working with something uncommon. Our team shares this opinion. Recently we came across a...
Mar 20 2021
Example of how new diagnostics appear in PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
Users sometimes ask how new diagnostics appear in the PVS-Studio static analyzer. We answer that we draw inspiration from a variety of sources: books, coding standards, our own mistakes, our...
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Mar 17 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 281: Creative coding
Episode 281 of CppCast was recorded on January 6th, 2021. Hosts Rob Irving and Jason Turner talked to Zach Lieberman, a professor at MIT's Media Lab, about Herb Sutter's 2020 Wrap-Up blog post...
Mar 17 2021
PVS-Studio analyzer scans Snort, network traffic scanner
Konstantin Kochkin
Snort is the most widely used Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in the world. Anyone who's ever dealt with information security is probably familiar with Snort. Can the PVS-Studio static analyzer...
Mar 10 2021
PVS-Studio checks STP
Oleg Lisiy
Static analysis helps developers catch errors early and improve code quality and reliability. This article examines some potential vulnerabilities and errors PVS-Studio found in the STP...
Mar 05 2021
Short-lived music or MuseScore code analysis
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Having only programming background, it is impossible to develop software in some areas. Take the difficulties of medical software development as an example. The same is with music software...
Mar 03 2021
PVS-Studio, Blender: series of notes on advantages of regular static analysis of code
Andrey Karpov
In our articles, we regularly repeat an important idea: a static analyzer should be used regularly. This helps detect and cheaply fix many errors at the earliest stage. It looks nice in theory. As...
Mar 03 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 277: Virtual teaching and plenary
Episode 277 of CppCast was recorded on December 8-th, 2020. Hosts Rob Irving and Jason Turner talked to Patrice Roy about intmax_t in C and C++, Lexy, CLion 2020.3, teaching C++ during COVID and...
Feb 24 2021
Free Heroes of Might and Magic II: Open-Source project that you want to be part of
Vladislav Stolyarov
Recently we found out that the new version of the fheroes2 project was released. In our company there are many fans of Heroes of Might and Magic game series. So, we couldn't pass it up and...
Feb 18 2021
Why PVS-Studio uses data flow analysis: based on gripping error in Open Asset Import Library
Andrey Karpov
An essential part of any modern static code analyzer is data flow analysis. However, from an outside perspective, the use of data flow analysis and its benefit is unclear. Some people still...
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