Couple of weeks ago (or to be more precise, on July 2, 2021), the legendary BitTorrent protocol turned twenty years old. Created by Bram Cohen, the protocol has been developing rapidly since...
We, the PVS-Studio static code analyzer developers, have a peculiar view on beauty. On the beauty of bugs. We like to find grace in errors, examine them, try to guess how they appeared. Today we...
Static analyzers' primary aim is to search for errors missed by developers. Recently, the PVS-Studio team again found an interesting example proving the power of static...
Episode 298 of CppCast was recorded on May 5th, 2021. On this episode, Rob Irving and Jason Turner are joined by Loïc Joly, who talks about SonarSource static analysis tools. Also, they...
Visual Studio from Microsoft has long been the main development environment to work with the PVS-Studio analyzer. Our analyzer started off on Windows, so Visual Studio was an obvious and...
From the earliest days, we used MSVC to compile the PVS-Studio C++ analyzer for Windows - then, in 2006, known as Viva64, version 1.00. With new releases, the analyzer's C++ core learned to work...
Episode 278 of CppCast is an inspiring story how guest Andreas Kling overcame his drug addiction by creating and developing a new open-source operating system in C++. He named it after the...
"How much longer are you going to build it?" - a phrase that every developer has uttered at least once in the middle of the night. Yes, a build can be long and there is no escaping it. One does...
Episode 267 of CppCast was recorded on September 30th, 2020. Hosts Rob Irving and Jason Turner talked to Emery Berger, a Professor in the College of Information and Computer Science at the...