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Posts: C++ articles

Jul 04 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 298: SonarSource analysis tools
Episode 298 of CppCast was recorded on May 5th, 2021. On this episode, Rob Irving and Jason Turner are joined by Loïc Joly, who talks about SonarSource static analysis tools. Also, they...
Jun 28 2021
Beta-testing of PVS-Studio plugin for JetBrains CLion
Evgeniy Ovsyannikov, Paul Eremeev
Visual Studio from Microsoft has long been the main development environment to work with the PVS-Studio analyzer. Our analyzer started off on Windows, so Visual Studio was an obvious and...
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Jun 25 2021
Yo, Ho, Ho, and a bottle of rum - or how we analyzed Storm Engine's bugs
Alexander Kurenev
PVS-Studio is a static analysis tool that helps find errors in software source code. This time PVS-Studio looked for bugs in Storm Engine's source...
May 31 2021
PVS-Studio team: switching to Clang improved PVS-Studio C++ analyzer's performance
Alexey Govorov, Sergey Larin
From the earliest days, we used MSVC to compile the PVS-Studio C++ analyzer for Windows - then, in 2006, known as Viva64, version 1.00. With new releases, the analyzer's C++ core learned to work...
May 27 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 278: SerenityOS
Episode 278 of CppCast is an inspiring story how guest Andreas Kling overcame his drug addiction by creating and developing a new open-source operating system in C++. He named it after the...
How to speed up building and analyzing of your project with Incredibuild?
Maxim Zvyagintsev
"How much longer are you going to build it?" - a phrase that every developer has uttered at least once in the middle of the night. Yes, a build can be long and there is no escaping it. One does...
May 11 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 267: Performance matters
Episode 267 of CppCast was recorded on September 30th, 2020. Hosts Rob Irving and Jason Turner talked to Emery Berger, a Professor in the College of Information and Computer Science at the...
Apr 27 2021
PVS-Studio Learns What strlen is all about
Andrey Karpov
Somehow, it so happens that we write about our diagnostics, but barely touch upon the subject of how we enhance the analyzer's internal mechanics. So, for a change, today we'll talk about a...
Mar 29 2021
macOS Kernel, how good is this apple?
Victoria Khanieva
At the very beginning of this year, Apple released the source code for macOS – Big Sur. It includes XNU, the kernel of the macOS operating system. A few years ago, PVS-Studio has already checked...
Mar 24 2021
How PVS-Studio prevents rash code changes
Andrey Karpov
You probably know we've just published a brief article about CovidSim. However, now we have a good excuse to think back to that project and demonstrate how regular PVS-Studio use can be...
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