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Posts: C++ articles

Sep 03 2021
Text broadcast of Cppcast 300: ABI stability
Episode 300 of CppCast with guest Marshall Clow recorded May 18th, 2021. In this episode, Rob Irving and Jason Turner are joined by Marshall Clow who talks about ABI stability. They also...
Aug 27 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 285: Clang Power Tools and C++ myths
Episode 285 CppCast was recorded on February 3rd, 2020. Hosts Rob Irving and Jason Turner are joined by Victor Ciura. They first talk about different ways to filter a C++ container and a blog post...
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Aug 26 2021
Linux kernel turns 30: congratulations from PVS-Studio
Sergey Larin
On August 25th, 2021, the Linux kernel celebrated its 30th anniversary. Since then, it's changed a lot. We changed too. Nowadays, the Linux kernel is a huge project used by millions. We checked...
Aug 10 2021
Intermodular analysis of C++ projects in PVS-Studio
Oleg Lisiy, Sergey Larin
Recently PVS-Studio has implemented a major feature—we supported intermodular analysis of C++ projects. This article covers our and other tools' implementations. You'll also find out how to try...
Aug 06 2021
PVS-Studio for JetBrains CLion: ad astra per aspera
Evgeniy Ovsyannikov, Sergey Vasiliev
The PVS-Studio analyzer already has plugins for such IDEs from JetBrains as Rider, IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. Somehow we missed another IDE - CLion. The time has come to make amends! But...
Aug 04 2021
Static analysis protects your code from time bombs
Andrey Karpov
Static code analysis allows you to identify and eliminate many defects at an early stage. Moreover, it's possible to detect dormant errors that don't show themselves when they appear. They can...
Aug 03 2021
Integrating PVS-Studio into uVision Keil
I develop software for embedded systems (mostly for STM32 and Milandr). As the main IDE, I use uVision Keil. As long as I write in C and C++, I've been wondering whether I write code the right...
Jul 30 2021
Checking BitTorrent in honor of the 20th anniversary. Time == quality
Mikhail Gelvikh
Couple of weeks ago (or to be more precise, on July 2, 2021), the legendary BitTorrent protocol turned twenty years old. Created by Bram Cohen, the protocol has been developing rapidly since...
Jul 22 2021
A beautiful error in the implementation of the string concatenation function
Andrey Karpov
We, the PVS-Studio static code analyzer developers, have a peculiar view on beauty. On the beauty of bugs. We like to find grace in errors, examine them, try to guess how they appeared. Today we...
Jul 05 2021
One day in the life of PVS-Studio developer, or how I debugged diagnostic that surpassed three programmers
Vladislav Stolyarov
Static analyzers' primary aim is to search for errors missed by developers. Recently, the PVS-Studio team again found an interesting example proving the power of static...
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