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Posts: C++ articles

Dec 16 2021
C++20: linker surprised by four lines of code
Imagine that you are a student learning modern C++ features. And you have to complete a task concerning concepts/constraints. The teacher, of course, knows the proper way to do it – but you...
C++20 Ranges — Complete Guide
C++20 Ranges, also known as STL v2, effectively replaces existing STL algorithms and facilities. In this article, I will guide you through the changes that Ranges introduce, talk about Views...
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Dec 03 2021
Even small projects have bugs, or how PVS-Studio checked Blend2D
Alexander Kurenev
We often check large projects because it's easier to find bugs there. What if we try PVS-Studio on a small project? In this article we analyze Blend2D — a library for vector 2D graphics. Let's...
Dec 01 2021
Checking Chromium after three years. How's it going?
Mikhail Gelvikh
We dust off the irregular series of articles about the Chromium project check. Let's look at the code quality in the latest Chromium release and check the new features of the PVS-Studio...
Nov 29 2021
An article for those who, like me, do not understand the purpose of std::common_type
Vladislav Stolyarov, Phillip Khandeliants
This article investigates why the standard library needs a way to deduce a common type, how it is implemented and how it...
Nov 26 2021
Virtual function calls in constructors and destructors (C++)
Andrey Karpov
In different programming languages, the behavior of virtual functions differs when it comes to constructors and destructors. Incorrect use of virtual functions is a classic mistake. Developers...
Nov 22 2021
Thanks, Mario, but the code needs fixing — checking TheXTech
Alexey Govorov
It's cool when enthusiastic developers create a working clone of a famous game. It's even cooler when people are ready to continue the development of such projects! In this article, we check...
Nov 19 2021
How the Carla car simulator helped us level up the static analysis of Unreal Engine 4 projects
Konstantin Kochkin
One of the mechanisms of static analysis is method annotations of popular libraries. Annotations provide more information about functions during errors detecting. CARLA is an impressive...
Nov 15 2021
PVS-Studio to check the RPCS3 emulator
Sergey Larin
RPCS3 is an interesting project that emulates the PS3 console. It is actively evolving. Recently we heard the news that the emulator learned how run all the games from the console's catalog. That's...
Nov 08 2021
Undefined behavior, carried through the years
Imagine: something in code goes wrong, you start searching for a bug and then it turns out that there was another bug behind this. Have you ever been in this situation? Searching for bugs is...
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