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Posts: C++ articles

Nov 05 2021
Protocol Buffers, a brutal protocol from Google, vs. PVS-Studio, a static code analyzer
Andrey Karpov
Protocol Buffers is a very popular, cool, and high-quality product that is mostly developed by Google. This is a good challenge for the PVS-Studio static code analyzer. Finding at least something...
Nov 03 2021
PVS-Studio searches for bugs in the DuckStation project
Vladislav Stolyarov
We often check retro games. In our company, many developers like to find interesting projects for themselves. They feel nostalgic when they're studying these projects. But we need to run retro...
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Nov 01 2021
How a PVS-Studio developer defended a bug in a checked project
Vladislav Stolyarov
The PVS-Studio developers often check open-source projects and write articles about that. Sometimes, when writing an article, we come across interesting situations or epic errors. Of course, we...
Oct 25 2021
How we sympathize with a question on Stack Overflow but keep silent
Andrey Karpov
On the stackoverflow.com website, we frequently see questions about how to look for bugs of a certain type. We know that PVS-Studio can solve the problem. Unfortunately, we have to keep...
Oct 12 2021
C++ tools evolution: static code analyzers
Andrey Karpov
Modern applications have lots of code. And the C++ language doesn't get easier. Nowadays, code reviews are not enough to fully analyze program code. Here's where static code analysis comes...
Oct 08 2021
Detecting errors in the LLVM release 13.0.0
Andrey Karpov
Commercial static analyzers perform deeper and fuller code analysis compared to compilers. Let's see what PVS-Studio found in the source code of the LLVM 13.0.0...
Oct 04 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 293: One Lone Coder
On this episode, Rob Irving and Jason Turner are joined by David Barr. First, they discuss Microsoft open-source calculator and an update to CMake. Then they talk about David's YouTube channel...
Sep 27 2021
Why we need dynamic code analysis: the example of the PVS-Studio project
Alexey Govorov
In May 2021, CppCast recorded a podcast called ABI stability (CppCast #300). In this podcast, Marshall Clow and the hosts discussed rather old news — Visual Studio compilers support...
Sep 22 2021
MISRA C: struggle for code quality and security
Konstantin Kochkin
A couple of years ago the PVS-Studio analyzer got its first diagnostic rules to check program code compliance with the MISRA C and MISRA C++ standards. We collected feedback and saw that our...
Sep 06 2021
Why do you need the MISRA Compliance report and how to generate one in PVS-Studio?
Nikolay Mironov
If you are strongly interested in MISRA and would like to understand whether your project meets one of the MISRA association's standards, there is a solution. Its name is MISRA Compliance...
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