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Posts: C++ articles

Feb 01 2022
MuditaOS: Will your alarm clock go off? Part I
Vladislav Stolyarov
Operating systems are a kind of software where code quality is critical. This time the PVS-Studio analyzer checked MuditaOS. So let's take a look at what the static analyzer found in this...
Jan 28 2022
PVS-Studio for Visual Studio 2022
Valery Komarov
The PVS-Studio team writes articles on various topics. But we rarely make articles on how to interact with the analyzer. Let's fix it with an article about the PVS-Studio plugin for the Visual...
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Jan 18 2022
How PVS-Studio prevents rash code changes, example N2
Andrey Karpov
When developers do make mistakes, it's often accidental or because the developers are in a hurry. These errors often make their way into small edits to the code. Let's review one of these cases...
Design and evolution of constexpr in C++
constexpr is one of the magic keywords in modern C++. You can use it to create code, that is then executed before the compilation process ends. This is the absolute upper limit for...
Jan 04 2022
The most interesting blogs and websites for C++ developers
Andrey Karpov
Readers surely have favorite websites and blogs about C++. Hopefully, today your collection will...
Dec 31 2021
What's new in PVS-Studio in 2021?
Maxim Stefanov, Oleg Lisiy, Sergey Vasiliev
2021 is coming to an end, which means it's time to sum up the year! Today we'll tell you about the new features we added to PVS-Studio in the past year. Buckle up and let's...
Dec 23 2021
PVS-Studio checks the code of Flipper Zero dolphin
Andrey Karpov
Flipper Zero is an open-source multi-tool for geeks and penetration testers. It so happened that the Flipper Zero project and the PVS-Studio analyzer crossed paths. A philosophical question...
Dec 21 2021
Top 10 bugs found in C++ projects in 2021
Vladislav Stolyarov
It's freezing outside, everyone has already decorated the Christmas tree and bought tangerines. New Year is coming! So, it's time to meet the Top 10 interesting bugs found by the PVS-Studio...
Dec 17 2021
1000 eyes that don't want to check open-source code
Andrey Karpov
There's a myth that open-source software is better and safer that the closed one. This was reasonably questioned many times. People regularly find epic vulnerabilities in the open source code...
Dec 16 2021
C++20: linker surprised by four lines of code
Imagine that you are a student learning modern C++ features. And you have to complete a task concerning concepts/constraints. The teacher, of course, knows the proper way to do it – but you...
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