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Posts: C++ articles

Oct 11 2017
Review of Music Software Code Defects. Part 2. Audacity
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
We are going on with our series of articles about defects in audio software. The second project that was picked for analysis is Audacity audio editor. This program is highly popular and widely...
Sep 27 2017
Review of Music Software Code Defects. Part 1. MuseScore
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Programming is a creative activity, that's why there are a lot of talented people with a peculiar hobby among the developers. Despite a popular belief, it is not always a programming (well, or...
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Sep 05 2017
Give my Best Regards to Yandex Developers
Andrey Karpov
Approximately every six months someone writes to us from the employees of Yandex company, asks about licensing of PVS-Studio, downloads the trial and disappears. It's normal, we got used to a...
Jul 31 2017
Characteristics of PVS-Studio Analyzer by the Example of EFL Core Libraries, 10-15% of False Positives
Andrey Karpov
After I wrote quite a big article about the analysis of the Tizen OS code, I received a large number of questions concerning the percentage of false positives and the density of errors (how...
Jul 26 2017
Tizen: Summing Up
Andrey Karpov
Our team wrote three articles related to the code analysis of Tizen operating system. The operating system contains a lot of code, so this is the reason why it is a fertile ground for...
Jul 17 2017
Exploring Microoptimizations Using Tizen Code as an Example
Andrey Karpov
When talking about PVS-Studio's diagnostic capabilities in our articles, we usually leave out its recommendations about the use of microoptimizations in C and C++ code. These are not as crucial...
Jul 12 2017
27 000 Errors in the Tizen Operating System
Andrey Karpov
This article will demonstrate that during the development of large projects static analysis is not just a useful, but a completely necessary part of the development process. This article is the...
Jun 27 2017
Static analysis as part of the development process in Unreal Engine
Andrey Karpov
Unreal Engine continues to develop as new code is added and previously written code is changed. What is the inevitable consequence of ongoing development in a project? The emergence of new bugs...
Jun 26 2017
Headache from using mathematical software
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
It so happened that during some period of time I was discussing on the Internet, one would think, different topics: free alternatives of Matlab for universities and students, and finding errors...
Jun 20 2017
How Can PVS-Studio Help in the Detection of Vulnerabilities?
Sergey Vasiliev
A vulnerability in terms of computer security, is a flaw in the system allowing someone to violate the integrity, or deliberately cause a malfunction, of the program. Practice shows that even...
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