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Posts: C++ articles

Feb 02 2018
Chromium: Miscellaneous Defects
Andrey Karpov
This article is the last in our series of articles where we share tips on how to write high-quality code, using the bugs found in the Chromium project as examples. Now, with 6 articles behind...
Feb 01 2018
Why it is important to check what the malloc function returned
Andrey Karpov
We'd like to present the series of articles dealing with the recommendations on writing code of high quality using the examples of errors found in the Chromium project. This is the 6th part...
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Jan 31 2018
Chromium: Use of Untrusted Data
Andrey Karpov
We'd like to present the series of articles dealing with the recommendations on writing code of high quality using the examples of errors found in the Chromium project. This is the fifth part...
Jan 30 2018
Chromium: Typos
Andrey Karpov
We present a series of articles where we share some tips on how to write high-quality code, using the bugs found in the Chromium project as examples. This is Part 4, where I talk about the problem...
Jan 29 2018
Chromium: Memory Leaks
Andrey Karpov
We'd like to present the series of articles dealing with the recommendations on writing code of high quality using the examples of errors found in the Chromium project. This is the third part...
Jan 27 2018
break and fallthrough
Andrey Karpov
We would like to suggest reading the series of articles dedicated to the recommendations on writing code of high quality using the examples of errors found in the Chromium project. This is the...
Jan 26 2018
Nice Chromium and clumsy memset
Andrey Karpov
We would like to suggest reading the series of articles dedicated to the recommendations on writing code of high quality using the examples of errors found in the Chromium project. This is the...
Jan 25 2018
Chromium: the Sixth Project Check and 250 Bugs
Andrey Karpov
This introduction begins a series of articles dealing with a recurrent check of a Chromium project using PVS-Studio static code analyzer. The articles include various patterns of errors...
Jan 15 2018
Checking the Code of Reiser4 with the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer
Aleksandr Sinotov
Hello there! In this article, we'll look at the free version (available to the developers of free and open-source software) of the PVS-Studio static analyzer in action. What we are going to...
Jan 05 2018
February 31
Andrey Karpov
I'm currently studying a report by PVS-Studio analyzer with the results of a fresh check of the Chromium project and the libraries it employs. Based on these results, I'm going to write a series...
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