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Posts: C++ articles

Trojan Source: Invisible Vulnerabilities
We present a new type of attack in which source code is maliciously encoded so that it appears different to a compiler and to the human eye. This attack exploits subtleties in text-encoding...
Apr 12 2022
Trojan Source attack for introducing invisible vulnerabilities
Researchers from the University of Cambridge described a technique that allows inserting invisible adversarial code in the reviewed source texts. The attack (CVE-2021-42574) is called Trojan...
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Apr 05 2022
What's with the PVS-Studio's coverage of Toyota ITC Benchmark?
Alexander Kurenev
Toyota ITC Benchmark is a synthetic test set for C and C++. It consists of approximately 650 examples, and it's designed for testing code analyzers. This article is an answer to the question...
Mar 16 2022
Checking the Ogre3D framework with the PVS-Studio static analyzer
Grigory Semenchev
Developers like graphics engines because they are easy to work with. The PVS-Studio team likes graphics engines because we often find interesting code fragments. One of our readers asked us...
Feb 21 2022
MuditaOS: Will your alarm clock go off? Part II
Vladislav Stolyarov
This is the second part in a series of articles checking the MuditaOS operating system. In this article, we cover the bottlenecks of the project that are worth refactoring. The PVS-Studio...
Feb 18 2022
How PVS-Studio prevents rash code changes, example N4
Andrey Karpov
If you regularly use a static code analyzer, you can save time on guessing why the new code doesn't work as planned. Let's look at another interesting error — the function broke during...
Feb 16 2022
How PVS-Studio prevents rash code changes, example N3
Andrey Karpov
Let's continue with a series of small notes illustrating the PVS-Studio's ability to quickly find new errors in the code. If the analyzer is regularly used, of course :). Today we have another bug...
Feb 16 2022
A bug report's adventure
Mikhail Gelvikh
We are often asked whether we send bug reports to developers of open-source projects. The answer is yes. More than that— we sometimes track the progress. This article is about one of the cases...
Feb 10 2022
An example of undefined behavior caused by absence of return
Andrey Karpov
This article contains a very interesting example. The absence of the return statement in a value-returning function leads to undefined behavior. It's a perfect example of how wrong code can crash...
Feb 07 2022
What memory release strategy does the PVS-Studio C and C++ core use?
Andrey Karpov
In various discussions, we have already commented on how the PVS-Studio C and C++ module works with memory. Now it's time to make a small article from this...
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