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Posts: C++ articles

Sep 27 2019
Dark theme of Thunderbird as a reason to run a code analyzer
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
The adventures with the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client began with automatic update to version 68.0. More text in pop-up notifications and default dark theme are the notable features of this...
Sep 16 2019
One day from PVS-Studio user support
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
We welcome any chatting on code quality. Our clients, students, and other users from all corners of the Internet write to us. Regardless of the country, time zone or language. Well...
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Aug 27 2019
Is Everything Ok with the First Doom?
Andrey Korostin
Recently the news about porting the first Doom on terminals and ATMs flashed in the net. Knowing from the Wikipedia article how many bugs ordinary players have found in this game, we got...
Aug 22 2019
How to set up PVS-Studio in Travis CI using the example of PSP game console emulator
Maxim Zvyagintsev
Travis CI is a distributed web service for building and testing software that uses GitHub as a source code hosting service. In addition to the above scripts, you can add your own, thanks to...
Aug 19 2019
CMake: the Case when the Project's Quality is Unforgivable
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
CMake is a cross-platform system for automating project builds. This system is much older than the PVS-Studio static code analyzer, but no one has tried to apply the analyzer on its code and...
Aug 12 2019
Using PVS-Studio Static Analyzer in C and C++ Development for Embedded Systems
Yuri Minaev
This article will tell you how to launch analysis of an embedded project and how to work with the analyzer's...
Aug 06 2019
Getting Started with the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer for C++ Development under Linux
Yuri Minaev
PVS-Studio supports analyzing projects developed in C, C++, C#, and Java. You can use the analyzer under Windows, Linux, and macOS. This small article will tell you the basics of analyzing C and...
Aug 05 2019
Analysis of the Yuzu Source Code Using the PVS-Studio Static Code analyzer
Vladislav Stolyarov
I'm Vladislav, at the moment I am doing an internship at PVS-Studio. As you know, the best way to get to know the product is to try it, and in my case to also flesh out an article from the...
Aug 03 2019
Why Static Analysis Can Improve a Complex C++ Codebase
Andrey Karpov
Gradually and imperceptibly we get the situation when C++ projects' complexity becomes extreme. Unfortunately, now a C++ programmer can't be on his...
Jul 30 2019
PVS-Studio Looked into the Red Dead Redemption's Bullet Engine
Victoria Khanieva
Nowadays there is no need to implement the physics of objects from scratch for game development because there are a lot of libraries for this purpose. Bullet was actively used in many AAA...
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