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Posts: C++ articles

Apr 30 2020
About embedded again: searching for bugs in the Embox project
George Gribkov
Embox is a cross-platform, multi-tasking real-time operating system for embedded systems. It is designed to work with limited computing resources and allows you to run Linux-based applications...
Apr 20 2020
A second check of Newton Game Dynamics with PVS-Studio
Vladislav Stolyarov
Some time ago, somewhere on the Internet, I stumbled upon a physics engine called Newton Game Dynamics. Knowing that engine projects are usually big and complex, I decided to check its code...
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Apr 16 2020
Checking the GCC 10 compiler with PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov
The GCC compiler is written with copious use of macros. Another check of the GCC code using PVS-Studio once again confirms the opinion of our team that macros are evil in the flesh. Not only does...
Apr 04 2020
Starting my collection of bugs found in copy functions
Andrey Karpov
I've already noticed a few times before that programmers seem to tend to make mistakes in simple copy functions. Writing a profound article on this topic is going to take quite a while since...
Apr 03 2020
How deep the rabbit hole goes, or C++ job interviews at PVS-Studio
Andrey Karpov, Phillip Khandeliants
Here's an interesting story about how one of the questions we ask at job interviews turned out to reach even deeper than intended by its author. You've always got to watch your step with C++ and...
Mar 26 2020
Victoria Khanieva
Almost four years have passed since the PVS-Studio team checked the OpenToonz source code. This project is a very powerful tool for creating two-dimensional animation. Since the last check, with...
Mar 19 2020
The little scrollbar that could not
Maxim Zvyagintsev
The new Windows Terminal version has been recently released. Everything would be fine, but performance of its scrollbar leaves a great deal to be desired. Time has come to poke it and have some...
Mar 05 2020
PVS-Studio integration in PlatformIO
Alexey Govorov
Recently, the PlatformIO development environment of embedded systems has supported PVS-Studio. In this article, you'll find out how to check your code with the static analyzer on the example of...
Zero, one, two, Freddy's coming for you
Andrey Karpov
This post continues the series of articles, which can well be called "horrors for developers". This time it will also touch upon a typical pattern of typos related to the usage of...
Jan 17 2020
George Gribkov
If you're reading this text, you've either thought that something was wrong with the headline or you've seen the name of a familiar computer game. VVVVVV is an indie platformer game that has...
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