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Posts: C++ articles

Mar 01 2011
Knee-deep in C++ s... code
Andrey Karpov
Perhaps many of you know the site govnokod.ru. If not, I recommend those of you who think of themselves as programmers to visit it. Good mood is...
Feb 13 2011
Is it reasonable to use the prefix increment operator ++it instead of postfix operator it++ for iterators?
Andrey Karpov
I decided to find out if there is practical sense in writing ++iterator instead of iterator++, when handling iterators. My interest in this question arose not from my love of art, but...
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Jan 27 2011
Intel IPP Samples for Windows - error correction
Andrey Karpov
This is one of my posts on how PVS-Studio makes programs safer. That is where and what types of errors it detects. This time it is samples demonstrating handling of the IPP 7.0 library...
Jan 21 2011
Consequences of using the Copy-Paste method in C++ programming and how to deal with it
Andrey Karpov
I create the PVS-Studio analyzer detecting errors in source code of C/C++/C++0x software. So I have to review a large amount of source code of various applications where we detected suspicious...
Dec 23 2010
Analysis of the Ultimate Toolbox project
Andrey Karpov
While testing the general analyzer included into PVS-Studio 4.00, we checked several open-source projects from the CodeProject site. One of those was Ultimate ToolBox.
Static analysis and regular expressions
Andrey Karpov
I develop the PVS-Studio static code analyzer intended for analyzing C/C++ software. After we implemented general analysis in PVS-Studio 4.00, we received a lot of responses, both positive...
Nov 18 2010
Static analysis: errors in media player and bugless ICQ
Andrey Karpov
I'd like to continue our excursion of software errors and demonstration of static code analysis...
Nov 01 2010
Difference of code analysis approaches in compilers and specialized tools
Andrey Karpov
Compilers and third-party static code analyzers have one common task: to detect dangerous code fragments. However, there is a great difference in the types of analysis performed by each kind of...
Oct 30 2010
Static analysis of source code by the example of WinMerge
Andrey Karpov
The today's post is devoted to the question why tools of static source code analysis are helpful regardless of programmer's knowledge and skill. I will demonstrate the benefit of static analysis...
Oct 30 2010
Functions of the ntohl/htonl class and 64-bit values
Andrey Karpov
As you know, the byte order in integer numbers which are represented by more than one byte may be different on different computers. There are computer systems where the most significant byte of...
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