This is the fourth post in which I want to share with you some useful observations on error patterns and the ways of fighting them. This time I will touch upon the subject of handling rare...
The id Software company possesses a PVS-Studio license. However, we decided to test the source codes of Doom 3 that have been recently laid out on the Internet. The result is the following...
This document advertises the PVS-Studio static analyzer. It describes how using PVS-Studio reduces the number of errors in code of C/C++/C++11 projects and costs on code testing, debugging...
About half a year ago we checked the Chromium project and wrote an article about it. The PVS-Studio analyzer naturally keeps developing, and in the new Chromium version we have found some...
The progress keeps on going. My favorite static code analyzer PVS-Studio is developing too. It has occurred to me recently that those projects we already checked, we can well check again. It would...
Having checked ReactOS's code I managed to fulfill three of my wishes at once. Firstly, I had wanted for a long time to write an article on a common project. It's not interesting to check the...
Recently, while telling you about check of another project, I have constantly repeated that it is a very quality code and there are almost no errors in it. A good example is analysis of such...
Many readers liked my article "Consequences of using the Copy-Paste method in C++ programming and how to deal with it". Scott Meyers noticed it too and asked me how static analysis proper helped...