Supporting C++/CLI projects has never been a first-priority target in PVS-Studio. Such projects are pretty few, but we still happen on them from time to time. The Microsoft company is not going...
64-bit computers have been around for a long time already. Most applications have 64-bit versions that can benefit from a larger memory capacity and improved performance, thanks to the...
We regularly check open-source C/C++ projects, but what we check are mostly projects developed in the Visual Studio IDE. For some reason, we haven't paid much attention to the Embarcadero C++...
Static code analysis tools can help developers eliminate numbers of bugs as early as at the coding stage. With their help you can, for example, quickly catch and fix any typos. Well, some...
Some time ago, a vulnerability was revealed in OpenSSL, and I guess there's no programmer who hasn't been talking about it since then. I knew that PVS-Studio could not catch the bug leading to...
On March 19, 2014, Unreal Engine 4 was made public available. Subscription costs only $19 per month. The source codes have also been published at the github repository. Since that moment, we...
I know I promised not to touch upon the topic of 3DO console emulators anymore - well, sorry for breaking that promise. You see, I've recently had an opportunity to try such an exotic thing as...
The Microsoft company has recently made a present to all programmers eager to dig into some interesting stuff: they revealed the source codes of MS-DOS v 1.1, v 2.0 and Word for Windows 1.1a...
I sometimes feel quite embarrassed when examining bugs in software projects. Many of these bugs inhabit the code for many years, and you just can't help wondering how the program still manages to...
This time it was the microcosm that brought us a few interesting bugs. We have checked the open-source project μManager with our analyzer PVS-Studio. This project is a software package for...