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Dec 25 2009
One of the Answers to the Question "Who Needs All that Parallelism at All?"
Andrey Karpov
One can often find discussions on the net that multicore processors, as well as parallelism, are needless, and all this is tricks of one (two or three) companies, which need to sell new...
Dec 24 2009
Program Errors That Do Not Exist
Andrey Karpov
Not long ago, one user of our code analyzer PVS-Studio addressed us; he was complaining about the work of the tool during the verification of one of his...
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Dec 21 2009
Why A + B != A - (-B)
Andrey Karpov
While developing Viva64 analyzer intended for detecting 64-bit errors, I sometimes encounter interesting ways of code behavior. I would like to show you one example that is not very...
Dec 17 2009
Does the result of static code analysis depend on the compiler being used?
Evgenii Ryzhkov
At one of the many discussions of static code analyzers, we mentioned our tool PVS-Studio as usual :-) . One of the participants asked: "Does the result of a static code analyzer depend on...
Dec 10 2009
Issues in real programs - what errors are not there in the world...
Andrey Karpov
When testing the analyzer PVS-Studio on one of the projects we found an interesting error. This error does not refer to the topic of 64-bits although its consequences are diagnosed as...
Dec 09 2009
VivaCore FAQ
Andrey Karpov, Evgenii Ryzhkov
This paper contains some questions and answers about VivaCore C/C++ code analysis library by OOO "Program Verification...
Dec 09 2009
PVS-Studio 3.42 New Version Released!
Andrey Karpov
PVS-Studio 3.42 new version contains several error corrections. The full list of corrections is given...
Dec 08 2009
Tachyon and Parallel Lint
Andrey Karpov
In the previous post "Cold Tachyon" we showed an alternative approach to detecting parallel errors with the static code analyzer PVS-Studio (VivaMP). The tool PVS-Studio (VivaMP) was compared...
Dec 08 2009
Cold Tachyon
Andrey Karpov
A bit more than a month ago, the first Russian online-seminar "Intel Parallel Studio workflow" by Intel took place. Kirill Mavrodiev, who was participating in the event, demonstrated how one...
Dec 03 2009
64-bit code issues in real programs: pointer type change
Andrey Karpov
Explicit type conversions often mask errors related to a change of a pointer type. One of such errors is casting of a pointer to 32-bit objects into a pointer to 64-bit...
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