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Nov 13 2009
Our company has presented PVS-Studio within the scope of "Platform 2010" conference
Andrey Karpov
The annual conference by Microsoft called "Platform 2010" was held on November 12 and 13 in Moscow. The conference "Platform" is a localized Russian analogue of PDC global...
Nov 10 2009
PVS-Studio prints the error "Some diagnostic messages may contain incorrect line number for file ..." (continuation)
Evgenii Ryzhkov
We have already written about the causes of the warning "Some diagnostic messages may contain incorrect line number for file ...". Let me remind you that multi-line #define directives are...
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Nov 08 2009
Interview with Anatoliy Kuznetsov, the author of BitMagic C++ library
Andrey Karpov
In this article, Anatoliy Kuznetsov answers the questions and tells us about the open BitMagic C++...
Nov 08 2009
Are 64-bit errors real?
Andrey Karpov
I often hear in various interpretations the phrase: "The given examples show not the code incorrect from the viewpoint of porting to x64 systems, but the code incorrect in itself". I would like...
Oct 29 2009
Meeting of Intel Software Network participants
Andrey Karpov
On October, 29, Intel company arranged a meeting of the most active participants of Intel Software Network. The meeting took place in Moscow department of Intel company and was of an...
Oct 28 2009
Andrey Karpov
Our company participated in the conference CEE-SECR 2009 that took place on October, 28-29, and presented the report "Diagnosis of errors in parallel programs at early...
Oct 27 2009
Visiting Softool Exhibition
Andrey Karpov
We continue to visit exhibitions connected with the software development. This time, we have visited the most prestigious exhibition in Russia, Softool 2009, which took place on October 27-30...
Oct 22 2009
OOO "Program Verification Systems" has visited ChipEXPO-2009 exhibition
Andrey Karpov
ChipEXPO - the leading Russian exhibition on electronics, microelectronics and components - in 2009 is held for the 7th time. The exhibition ChipEXPO is organized since 2003 under the support of...
Oct 22 2009
Presentation of information on the site
Evgenii Ryzhkov
I am addressing the blog's readers for a word of advice on how to lay out information on our site. With time, besides PVS-Studio code analysis program product we are developing and...
Oct 15 2009
Translation of our blog in the English segment of software.intel.com!
Andrey Karpov
Just recently we have written about the start of translation of our corporate blog in the Russian segment of software.intel.com. Now we have launched translation in the international community...
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