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Posts: video

Dec 15 2020
How to not drown in the static analyzer's first report? [Mass Suppression]
Yulia Khushnamova
Have you ever used a statistical analysis tool on a new large project? If you have, you must know that the first scan may produce over 1 thousand and in some cases over 10 thousand warnings. Luckily, you can control which warnings you want to work with. For example, …
Nov 05 2020
What is SAST and how does it help a developer?
Maxim Zvyagintsev
Have you ever met such an abbreviation as SAST? If you have been developing for a long time, then you're heard of it for sure. However, you might not have given it any importance. In doing so, you're definitely wrong, because this is an incredibly important thing for t…
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Nov 02 2020
How to hide the analyzer false positives?
Maxim Zvyagintsev
If you're using a static analyzer, most likely you stumble upon cases when it gets something wrong and gives false positives. So, somehow you need to tell it about an incorrect case and let a false warning go to long rest. The good news is that we have a special mechan…
Oct 22 2020
How to exclude unnecessary files from static analysis?
Maxim Zvyagintsev
Few projects can do without outside libraries and other useful ready-made solutions. However, analyzers can see the whole code and check it with abandon. That's why sometimes it's worth pointing out the spots where they should stop and analyze nothing. In this video, w…
Oct 15 2020
How to speed up the project analysis and not to waste your time?
Maxim Zvyagintsev
Static analysis can always back you up when the time comes. But by the time it is done, you will have drunk gallons of coffee... That's why developers of these utilities are always looking for a way to make users' life easier and save time. The incremental analysis be…
Oct 07 2020
Analyzing Java Code in IntelliJ using PVS-Studio Analyzer | How to find bugs in your Java Code
If you have been programming for a while, you know the worst thing that can happen to you is one little bug inside your code that you can’t find. It is so frustrating and time consuming and can really demotivate you from coding. So, Today I am going to show you how to …
Sep 03 2020
Static Code Analysis Using PVS-Studio // Static Code Analysis For Java, C++, and C# // Thetips4you
Hello Friends, Welcome back to my channel. If you have seen my previous videos we have gone through how to make use of SonarQube for static code analysis and Vulnerability management. In this tutorial, I am going to introduce to you another tool called PVS studio. Lets…
Jul 23 2020
Hypercritical C++ Code Review - Yuri Minaev [ C++ on Sea ]
Yuri Minaev
C++ code is fraught with perils and pitfalls. That's why a thorough and meticulous code review is very important. The purpose of this talk is to (hopefully) improve your ability to take on such a task. We'll take a look at some error patterns easily overlooked. In all …
Jun 20 2020
Static Analysis in Unreal Engine 4 | UE4 Tutorial
In this UE4 tutorial, we will look over the general process of static analysis of C++ code and then get specific in how this is done using PVS-Studio. We all know that no one writes perfect code. There's always a chance that there will appear bugs, even in big projects…
May 08 2020
Static Analysis in C++
In this video, you'll find out more about one of the ways how to improve your C++ code which by applying static analysis tools. Despite the fact that every programmer strives to write flawless code and compute everything on the fly, it's hard even for an experienced pr…
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