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Jul 15 2011
Changes in PVS-Studio's licensing policy
Evgenii Ryzhkov
The licensing policy of the PVS-Studio static code analyzer will be changed in the new version PVS-Studio...
Jul 15 2011
PVS-Studio's licensing policy: what changed?
Andrey Karpov
The licensing policy of the PVS-Studio static code analyzer will be changed in the new version PVS-Studio...
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Jul 07 2011
How to make fewer errors at the stage of code writing. Part N3
Andrey Karpov
This is the third article where I will tell you about a couple of new programming methods that can help you make your code simpler and...
Jul 05 2011
How we test the code analyzer
Evgenii Ryzhkov, Paul Eremeev
The article describes the testing technologies used when developing PVS-Studio static code analyzer. The developers of the tool for programmers talk about the principles of testing their own...
Jun 28 2011
Explanations to the article on Copy-Paste
Andrey Karpov
Many readers liked my article "Consequences of using the Copy-Paste method in C++ programming and how to deal with it". Scott Meyers noticed it too and asked me how static analysis proper helped...
Jun 24 2011
PVS-Studio has learned to watch over your programming
Andrey Karpov
PVS-Studio now has an operation mode that will help you to find errors and misprints as soon as possible. The analyzer launches right after the files have been compiled and "blushes with shame...
Jun 20 2011
Using PVS-Studio analyzer together with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 incremental assembly
Paul Eremeev
One among newest features in the latest versions of MSBuild/Visual Studio for Visual C++ compilers is the new minimal rebuild system (also known is an incremental assembly), which is based on...
Jun 06 2011
Static analysis and ROI
Andrey Karpov
This article has become outdated and we recommend viewing its new version "PVS-Studio...
May 23 2011
PVS-Studio vs Chromium
Andrey Karpov
Good has won this time. To be more exact, source codes of the Chromium project have won. Chromium is one of the best projects we have checked with...
Apr 30 2011
Andrey Karpov has made a report at the Application Developer Days 2011 conference
Andrey Karpov
Andrey Karpov, worker of our company, has participated in the ADD conference and made a report "Static C++ code...
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