This idea of this article came to my mind after one discussion in a Telegram chat. Someone posted a program for changing the file's MD5 hash. Another chat participant checked this program...
This is the second article about related variables and how the PVS-Studio analyzer deals with them. This time, let's talk about how we enhanced the mechanism we created, and what problems of...
Developers around the world use their favorite IDEs every day to create software. Today we are checking one of them and looking at the most interesting errors...
Orleans is a cross-platform framework for creating scalable cloud applications. This software is developed by Microsoft, and PVS-Studio often checks its projects. Let's see how many suspicious...
Bitwarden is an open-source password management service. The software helps generate and manage unique passwords. Will PVS-Studio find errors in such a...
The cost of making a video game has increased over the years. Game development is becoming increasingly complex, the code base is getting larger as well. It's getting harder for developers to...
Related variables are one of the main problems of static analysis. This article covers this topic and describes how PVS-Studio developers are fighting false positives caused by...
"Use static analysis regularly, not just before releases... The earlier you find errors, the cheaper they are to fix..." You probably heard this a hundred times. Today we'll answer the...
We present a new type of attack in which source code is maliciously encoded so that it appears different to a compiler and to the human eye. This attack exploits subtleties in text-encoding...