The PVS-Studio team has been keeping the blog about the checks of open-source projects by the same-name static code analyzer for many years. To date, more than 300 projects have been checked...
In the seventh version of the PVS-Studio static analyzer, we added support of the Java language. It's time for a brief story of how we've started making support of the Java language, how far...
The Vangers: One for the Road video game just recently turned 20. To celebrate this event, we decided to check the source code of the project and make a review of interesting bugs found. This...
PVS-Studio static analyzer is known in the C, C++, and C# worlds as a tool for detecting errors and potential vulnerabilities. However, we have few clients from the financial sector, because...
In programming, a logical expression is a language construct that is evaluated as true or false. Many books that teach programming "from scratch" discuss possible operations on logical...