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Webinar: Parsing C++ - 10.10

Sviatoslav Razmyslov

Posts: Sviatoslav Razmyslov

Jan 16 2019
PVS-Studio 7.00
Andrey Karpov, Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Today is an important day - after 28 releases of the sixth version we present our PVS-Studio 7.00, in which the key innovation is the support of the Java language. However, during 2018 we...
Dec 18 2018
Checking LibrePCB with PVS-Studio Inside a Docker Container
Andrey Karpov, Sviatoslav Razmyslov
This is a classic article, where we share our experience of checking an open-source project called LibrePCB with PVS-Studio. What makes it special, though, is the fact that the analysis was...
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Nov 20 2018
NCBI Genome Workbench: Scientific Research under Threat
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Modern computer technologies, hardware and software solutions all make it much easier and faster for us to do various kinds of scientific research. Computer simulation is often the only way to...
Oct 19 2018
LibreOffice: Accountant's Nightmare
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
LibreOffice is a powerful Office package, which is free for private, educational and commercial use. Programmers working on it, develop a wonderful product that is used in many areas as...
Oct 05 2018
Perl 5: How to Hide Errors in Macros
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Perl 5 was chosen to expand the list of open source programming languages that have been tested using the PVS-Studio static code analyzer. This article is about found errors and difficulties...
Jul 09 2018
Amazon Lumberyard: A Scream of Anguish
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Video games are among the most popular software products. Now a new game engine, Amazon Lumberyard, has joined this huge industry. The project is currently in the beta phase and still has time to...
Apr 13 2018
Features of PVS-Studio setting and running in Docker on the example of Azure Service Fabric code
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
A technology of containerization is actively used for building and testing the software. With the emergence of PVS-Studio for Linux, the ability of adding the static analysis to other methods...
Mar 06 2018
One Doesn't Simply Edit Subtitles
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
How many people use subtitles worldwide? Probably, a lot. In the Internet you can find subtitles for almost any film in many languages for educational purposes or just because of love to the...
Nov 27 2017
Review of Music Software Code Defects. Part 5. Steinberg SDKs
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
I continue to review the code of musical applications, and here is the first representative of commercial software. Reading the comments to the previous articles, I noticed the popularity of...
Nov 23 2017
Review of Music Software Code Defects. Part 4. Ardour
Sviatoslav Razmyslov
Ardour is so far the largest of musical projects involved in the review of code defects. The project includes about 1000 files of source code in C++. The project is actively maintained by...
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