On November 24, our team visited the fourth annual symposium of Intel corporation - "High-performance Computing".
Traditionally, the symposium collects together the representatives of the industry, science and education, who intensively use parallel cluster technologies for solving practical tasks, where they discuss current and strategic needs in the HPC field. Intel presents its groundwork in the sphere of program and hardware solutions, as well as the experience of partnership with government and educational organizations.
The symposium was divided into two parts. The first part of the day was meant for reports of Intel employees and the symposium guests, who actively use HPC in their work, investigation or training. Among them was Vladimir Voevodin (Deputy Head of MSU RCC (Moscow State University Research Computing Centre)), Dmitry Dozhdev (expert in high-performance systems, Moscow Schlumberger R&D Centre). An important point is that the slant of this symposium shifted from exploring hardware solutions to software. Now great attention is focused at tools for developers of parallel programs and at creation of centres of competence for consolidation of work and training experience in this sphere.
In the second part of the day, there was a panel discussion called "Supercomputers in Russia: Production, Training, and Use". Issues of HPC development in Russia were discussed, as well as issues of personnel training, of future of parallel computing, and many other questions