While investigating the sphere of static analysis and working at the creation of the Viva64 tool OOO "Program Verification Systems" company came to a conclusion that the most part of the developed structures and algorithms can be united into a library and used by third-party developers for creating new software products. This library was named VivaCore.
VivaCore is designed for the development of systems in the sphere of static analysis, testing and verification of the C/C++ code. Since C++ language is one of the most difficult for analysis, the creation of a tool to work with it often takes a lot of time for developing the mechanism of working with the code. VivaCore library allows speeding up this part of the project and gives developers an opportunity to concentrate on the creation of the tool itself and not on implementation of the code analysis algorithms.
The license on VivaCore library allows you to use, copy, distribute and modify it in binary form or as the original code both for commercial and non-commercial use without any payments to the authors of the library.