Once in a while, programmers who start getting acquainted with the PVS-Studio code analyzer ask me: "Is there a list of warnings that accurately indicate errors?" There is no such list...
Our team provides quick and effective customer support. User requests are handled solely by programmers since our clients are programmers themselves and they often ask tricky questions. Today...
Because of our ever-expanding audience, we have to write new articles so that the new readers could learn about the correct way of using static code analysis. We believe that it is...
A brief description of technologies used in the PVS-Studio tool, which let us effectively detect a large number of error patterns and potential vulnerabilities. The article describes...
One of my articles aroused a few comments filled with so much prejudice against static analysis that I felt I should post my reply as a separate article for others to see. I hope it will give...
The philosophy of static code analysis is very simple. The earlier a bug is found, the cheaper it is to fix. Static analysis tools carry it out in three...
Legacy code problems are familiar to the majority of software developers. The process of transforming code in legacy is inevitable, because progress in programming moves on. Projects either...
We regularly get requests and recommendations concerning the improvements of the analyzer abilities. We put most of the proposals on our Todo-list and implement eventually. We are really grateful...
I should say right away, that the article was not written to show that static analysis works better than dynamic. This statement would be incorrect, as well as the reverse idea. The tools of...