I constantly study the Web regarding new articles on C/C++/C++11 programming. If I find them interesting, I post links to them in twitter @Code_Analysis, on Reddit /r/Viva64 and like them on StumbleUpon. If you are present on one of these websites, I invite you to follow me. You will find a lot of interesting articles in time. To get you interested, I decided to create a small selection of materials.
First of all, of course, I would like to recommend you our viva64.com website. There you can find a lot of articles and blog posts regarding development of quality code. For example, I invite you to see 28 lessons on developing 64-bit software in C/C++.
For the purpose of convenience I have arranged the links into several subjects. Enjoy reading.
Note. Usually we wrap links to manage their integrity. I wrote about this brave fight against chaos in the article "d'Artagnan and Internet, or working on the problem of bad links". Unfortunately, I will give direct links this time. These materials will significantly enlarge the link base, which means that we will have much work to do in case the articles are moved.