Some time ago we communicated with TEKAMA Company about developing a course on static analysis for one of their corporate clients. Unfortunately, the project has not been implemented but we are still ready to develop theoretical and practical courses in this sphere. If you are interested in courses in the saphere of increasing software quality and code verification, write to us, we are likely to find mutual interests.
To make clear what exactly these courses include let's study the contents of the two courses we have been planning to develop for TEKAMA Company. The first course is theoretical, the second is practical.
The first section of the course is of theoretical character and is intended for familiarizing the attendees with the methodology of static analysis and the principles it is based on. The course is meant for developers using C/C++ programming languages within the framework of Visual Studio 2008 environment. But it concerns many theoretical issues such as estimating the cost of a program project, metrics' types, etc, what can be interesting for developers using any development environments.
The second section is of practical character and is intended for familiarizing the attendees with some static analysis tools and methods of using them. The course is meant for developers using C/C++ programming languages within the framework of Visual Studio 2008 development environment. In the second section of the course we can touch upon the ways of applying practical studies on getting acquainted with the tools. As the authors of the course we can provide Viva64 and VivaMP tools free for the attendees to get acquainted with the working principles of static analyzers. If it is interesting to arrange practical studies on the basis of other tools, we should discuss this possibility and the budget for purchasing them separately.