The #line directive is added by the preprocessor and can then be used to help the developer understand which file and line a particular code fragment in the preprocessed file refers to. The...
While production gets suspended and companies close down all over the world, software developers keep working remotely. Our team is no exception, and today we are announcing a new release. This...
During the summer of 2019, Huawei gave a series of presentations announcing the Ark Compiler technology. The company claims that this open-source project will help developers make the Android...
While Stockholm was holding the 118th Nobel Week, I was sitting in our office, where we develop the PVS-Studio static analyzer, working on an analysis review of the ROOT project, a...
Celestia is a three-dimensional space simulator. Simulation of the space allows exploring our universe in three dimensions. Celestia is available on Windows, Linux and macOS. The project is...
The adventures with the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client began with automatic update to version 68.0. More text in pop-up notifications and default dark theme are the notable features of this...
We welcome any chatting on code quality. Our clients, students, and other users from all corners of the Internet write to us. Regardless of the country, time zone or language. Well...
Summer is not only a holiday season, but also time of fruitful work. Sunny days are so inspiring that there's enough energy both for late walks and large code commits. The second summer...
CMake is a cross-platform system for automating project builds. This system is much older than the PVS-Studio static code analyzer, but no one has tried to apply the analyzer on its code and...
Our attention was recently attracted by the Electronic Arts repository on GitHub. It's tiny, and of the twenty-three projects available there, only a few C++ libraries seemed interesting...