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Examples of errors detected by the V768…

Examples of errors detected by the V768 diagnostic

V768. Variable is of enum type. It is suspicious that it is used as a variable of a Boolean-type.


V768 The enumeration constant 'S_MOVRELS_B64' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. gcnhazardrecognizer.cpp 75

namespace AMDGPU {
  enum {
    S_MOVRELS_B64 = 4043,

static bool isSMovRel(unsigned Opcode) {
    Opcode == AMDGPU::S_MOVRELS_B32 || AMDGPU::S_MOVRELS_B64 ||

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V768 The enumeration constant 'S_MOVRELD_B64' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. gcnhazardrecognizer.cpp 76


V768 The enumeration constant 'wkb_multilinestring' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. item_geofunc.cc 1887

enum wkbType
  wkb_invalid_type= 0,
  wkb_first= 1,
  wkb_point= 1,
  wkb_linestring= 2,
  wkb_polygon= 3,
  wkb_multipoint= 4,
  wkb_multilinestring= 5,
  wkb_multipolygon= 6,
  wkb_geometrycollection= 7,
  wkb_polygon_inner_rings= 31,

bool append_geometry(....)
  if (header.wkb_type == Geometry::wkb_multipoint)
  else if (header.wkb_type == Geometry::wkb_multipolygon)
  else if (Geometry::wkb_multilinestring)


V768 The variable 'traScope' is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. stmtnodes.cpp 3448

namespace EDS {
  enum TraScope {traAutonomous = 1, traCommon, traTwoPhase};

class ExecStatementNode : ....
  EDS::TraScope traScope;

void ExecStatementNode::genBlr(DsqlCompilerScratch* dsqlScratch)
  if (traScope)


V768 CWE-571 The enumeration constant 'Lshr' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. subzeroreactor.cpp 712

static Value *createArithmetic(Ice::InstArithmetic::OpKind op,
                               Value *lhs, Value *rhs)
  assert(lhs->getType() == rhs->getType() ||
         (llvm::isa<Ice::Constant>(rhs) &&
          (op == Ice::InstArithmetic::Shl ||
           Ice::InstArithmetic::Lshr ||

Here is the correct version of code: assert(lhs->getType() == rhs->getType() || (llvm::isa<Ice::Constant>(rhs) && (op == Ice::InstArithmetic::Shl || op == Ice::InstArithmetic::Lshr || op == Ice::InstArithmetic::Ashr)));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V768 CWE-571 The enumeration constant 'Ashr' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. subzeroreactor.cpp 712

XNU kernel

V768 CWE-571 The expression 'new_codec = CMODE_HYB' is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as an expression of a Boolean-type. vm_compressor_algorithms.c 419

typedef enum {
  CMODE_WK = 0,
  CMODE_LZ4 = 1,
  CMODE_HYB = 2,
} vm_compressor_mode_t;

void vm_compressor_algorithm_init(void) {
  assertf(((new_codec == VM_COMPRESSOR_DEFAULT_CODEC) ||
           (new_codec == CMODE_WK) ||
           (new_codec == CMODE_LZ4) || (new_codec = CMODE_HYB)),
          "Invalid VM compression codec: %u", new_codec);

In the expression the value 2 is assigned to the variable new_codec. Because of this the condition is always true and assertf will check nothing. The value of the variable new_codec is additionally spoiled.


V768 CWE-571 The enumeration constant 'PWM_CHANNEL_DUAL_EDGE' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. lpc_pwm.c 538

void PWM_ChannelConfig(uint8_t pwmId, uint8_t PWMChannel,
                       uint8_t ModeOption)
  LPC_PWM_TypeDef* pPwm = PWM_GetPointer(pwmId);

  // Single edge mode
  if (ModeOption == PWM_CHANNEL_SINGLE_EDGE)
    pPwm->PCR &=
  // Double edge mode
    pPwm->PCR |= PWM_PCR_PWMSELn(PWMChannel);


V768 The enumeration constant 'BatchMode' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. KisMainWindow.cpp 811

bool KisMainWindow::openDocument(const QUrl &url,
                                 OpenFlags flags)
    if (!QFile(url.toLocalFile()).exists()) {
        if (!flags && BatchMode) {              // <=
                                  i18nc("....", "Krita"),
                                  i18n("....", url.url()));


V768 The enumeration constant 'State_Active' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. KisOpenPane.cpp 104

void paint(....) const override
    QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);

    if(!(option.state & (int)(QStyle::State_Active &&  // <=
                              QStyle::State_Enabled))) // <=


V768 CWE-571 The enumeration constant 'CHANGE_DISPLAY_INFO' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. InputReader.cpp 3016

enum {

void RotaryEncoderInputMapper::configure(nsecs_t when,
        const InputReaderConfiguration* config, uint32_t changes) {
  if (!changes ||
      (InputReaderConfiguration::CHANGE_DISPLAY_INFO)) {

Most likely this is what should be written here: if (!changes || (changes & InputReaderConfiguration::CHANGE_DISPLAY_INFO)) {


V768 CWE-571 The enumeration constant 'WindingFill' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. qpainterpath.cpp 2479

enum FillRule {

QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, QPainterPath &p)
  int fillRule;
  s >> fillRule;
  Q_ASSERT(fillRule == Qt::OddEvenFill || Qt::WindingFill);

Doom 1

V768 [CWE-571] The enumeration constant 'commercial' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. wi_stuff.c 588


void WI_drawAnimatedBack(void)
  if (commercial)


V768 The enumeration constant 'kCostComplexityPruning' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. MethodDT.cxx 283

enum EPruneMethod {kExpectedErrorPruning=0, kCostComplexityPruning, kNoPruning};

void TMVA::MethodDT::ProcessOptions()
  if (fPruneStrength < 0) fAutomatic = kTRUE;
  else fAutomatic = kFALSE;
  if (fAutomatic && fPruneMethod==!DecisionTree::kCostComplexityPruning){
    Log() << kFATAL
          <<  "Sorry automatic pruning strength determination is ...." << Endl;

Command & Conquer

V768 The enumeration constant 'WWKEY_RLS_BIT' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. KEYBOARD.CPP 286

typedef enum {
  WWKEY_SHIFT_BIT = 0x100,
  WWKEY_CTRL_BIT  = 0x200,
  WWKEY_ALT_BIT   = 0x400,
  WWKEY_RLS_BIT   = 0x800,
  WWKEY_VK_BIT    = 0x1000,
  WWKEY_DBL_BIT   = 0x2000,
  WWKEY_BTN_BIT   = 0x8000,
} WWKey_Type;

int WWKeyboardClass::To_ASCII(int key)
  if ( key && WWKEY_RLS_BIT)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

V768 The enumeration constant 'eLuxEnemyMoveState_Jogging' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. LuxEnemyMover.cpp 672

void cLuxEnemyMover::UpdateMoveAnimation(float afTimeStep)
  if(prevMoveState != mMoveState)

    if(mMoveState == eLuxEnemyMoveState_Backward)
    else if(mMoveState == eLuxEnemyMoveState_Walking)
      bool bSync =    prevMoveState == eLuxEnemyMoveState_Running
                   || eLuxEnemyMoveState_Jogging
                    ? true : false;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V768 The enumeration constant 'eLuxEnemyMoveState_Walking' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. LuxEnemyMover.cpp 680
  • V768 The enumeration constant 'eLuxEnemyMoveState_Jogging' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. LuxEnemyMover.cpp 688


V768 The enumeration constant 'h' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. grid_sample.cpp 925

void GridSampleKernel<isa>::reflectionPadding(const Vmm& vCoordDst,
                                              const Vmm& vCoordOrigin,
                                              const coord dim         )
  if (dim == coord::w)
  } else if (coord::h)
  } else {....}

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V768 The enumeration constant 'h' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. grid_sample.cpp 959
  • V768 The enumeration constant 'h' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type. grid_sample.cpp 990

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