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Examples of errors detected by the V764…

Examples of errors detected by the V764 diagnostic

V764. Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to function.

Linux Kernel

V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'ahc_9005_subdevinfo_valid' function: 'device' and 'vendor'. aic7xxx_pci.c 695

static int ahc_9005_subdevinfo_valid(uint16_t vendor, uint16_t device,
    uint16_t subvendor, uint16_t subdevice);

const struct ahc_pci_identity *
ahc_find_pci_device(ahc_dev_softc_t pci)
  if (ahc_get_pci_function(pci) > 0
   && ahc_9005_subdevinfo_valid(device, vendor, // <=
                                subdevice, subvendor)
   && SUBID_9005_MFUNCENB(subdevice) == 0)
    return (NULL);



V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'loadVMap' function: 'tileY' and 'tileX'. MapBuilder.cpp 279

void loadMap (uint32 mapID, uint32 tileX, uint32 tileY, ....);
bool loadVMap(uint32 mapID, uint32 tileX, uint32 tileY, ....);

void MapBuilder::buildTile(uint32 mapID,
                           uint32 tileX, uint32 tileY,
                           dtNavMesh* navMesh, uint32 curTile,
                           uint32 tileCount)
  // get heightmap data
                            tileX, tileY,

  // get model data
                             tileY, tileX,       // <=


V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'queryStream' function: 'rUri' and 'rPassword'. tdoc_storage.cxx 271

css::uno::Reference< css::io::XStream >
        queryStream( const css::uno::Reference<
                        css::embed::XStorage > & xParentStorage,
                     const OUString & rPassword,
                     const OUString & rUri,
                     StorageAccessMode eMode,
                     bool bTruncate  );

uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream >
StorageElementFactory::createOutputStream( const OUString & rUri,
                                           const OUString & rPassword,
                                           bool bTruncate )
  uno::Reference< io::XStream > xStream
      = queryStream(
          xParentStorage, rUri, rPassword, READ_WRITE_CREATE, bTruncate );

Espressif IoT Development Framework

V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'crypto_generichash_blake2b__init_salt_personal' function: 'salt' and 'personal'. blake2b-ref.c 457

int blake2b_init_salt_personal(blake2b_state *S, const uint8_t outlen,
                               const void *personal, const void *salt);

blake2b_salt_personal(uint8_t *out, const void *in, const void *key,
                      const uint8_t outlen, const uint64_t inlen,
                      uint8_t keylen, const void *salt, const void *personal)
  if (blake2b_init_salt_personal(S, outlen, salt, personal) < 0)


V764 [CWE-683] Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'translate_keysym' function: 'level' and 'effective_group'. gdkkeys-x11.c 1386

static guint
translate_keysym (GdkX11Keymap   *keymap_x11,
                  guint           hardware_keycode,
                  int             group,
                  GdkModifierType state,
                  int            *effective_group,
                  int            *effective_level)

static gboolean
gdk_x11_keymap_translate_keyboard_state (GdkKeymap       *keymap,
                                         guint            hardware_keycode,
                                         GdkModifierType  state,
                                         int              group,
                                         guint           *keyval,
                                         int             *effective_group,
                                         int             *level,
                                         GdkModifierType *consumed_modifiers)
  tmp_keyval = translate_keysym (keymap_x11, hardware_keycode,
                                 group, state,
                                 level, effective_group);


V764 [CWE-683] Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'post_insert_fixup' function: 'line_count_delta' and 'char_count_delta'. gtktextbtree.c 1230

static void    post_insert_fixup    (GtkTextBTree     *tree,
                                     GtkTextLine      *insert_line,
                                     int               char_count_delta,
                                     int               line_count_delta);

_gtk_text_btree_insert (GtkTextIter *iter,
                        const char *text,
                        int          len)
  int line_count_delta;                /* Counts change to total number of
                                        * lines in file.

  int char_count_delta;                /* change to number of chars */
  post_insert_fixup (tree, line, line_count_delta, char_count_delta);


V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address' function: 'dst' and 'src'. vsock_domain.c 549

static errno_t
vsock_put_message_listening(struct vsockpcb *pcb,
                            enum vsock_operation op,
                            struct vsock_address src,
                            struct vsock_address dst)
  switch (op)
      if (....)
        vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(pcb, dst, src);
    case VSOCK_RESET:
      error = vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(pcb, dst, src);
      vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address(pcb, dst, src);
  return error;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address' function: 'dst' and 'src'. vsock_domain.c 587
  • V764 Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to 'vsock_pcb_safe_reset_address' function: 'dst' and 'src'. vsock_domain.c 590

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