Examples of errors detected by the V709 diagnostic
V709. Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'.
Unreal Engine 4
V709 Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'. slatetextures.cpp 67
void FSlateTexture2DRHIRef::InitDynamicRHI()
checkf(GPixelFormats[PixelFormat].BlockSizeX ==
GPixelFormats[PixelFormat].BlockSizeY ==
GPixelFormats[PixelFormat].BlockSizeZ == 1,
TEXT("Tried to use compressed format?"));
Amazon Lumberyard
V709 CWE-682 Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'. toglslinstruction.c 564
void CallBinaryOp(....)
uint32_t src1SwizCount = GetNumSwizzleElements(....);
uint32_t src0SwizCount = GetNumSwizzleElements(....);
uint32_t dstSwizCount = GetNumSwizzleElements(....);
if (src1SwizCount == src0SwizCount == dstSwizCount) // <=
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V709 CWE-682 Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'. toglslinstruction.c 654
- V709 CWE-682 Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'. toglslinstruction.c 469
- V709 CWE-682 Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'. tometalinstruction.c 539
Bullet Physics SDK
V709 Suspicious comparison found: 'f0 == f1 == m_fractureBodies.size()'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'. btFractureDynamicsWorld.cpp 483
btAlignedObjectArray<btFractureBody*> m_fractureBodies;
void btFractureDynamicsWorld::fractureCallback()
for (int i = 0; i < numManifolds; i++)
int f0 = m_fractureBodies.findLinearSearch(....);
int f1 = m_fractureBodies.findLinearSearch(....);
if (f0 == f1 == m_fractureBodies.size())