Examples of errors detected by the V690 diagnostic
V690. The class implements a copy constructor/operator=, but lacks the operator=/copy constructor.
V690 The 'CKey' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class. key.h 175
class CKey {
// Copy constructor. This is necessary because of memlocking.
CKey(const CKey &secret) : fValid(secret.fValid),
memcpy(vch, secret.vch, sizeof(vch));
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V690 The 'Semantic_actions' class implements the '=' operator, but lacks a copy constructor. It is dangerous to use such a class. json_spirit_reader_template.h 196
- V690 The 'CFeeRate' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class. core.h 118
- V690 The 'CTransaction' class implements the '=' operator, but lacks a copy constructor. It is dangerous to use such a class. core.h 212
- And 3 additional diagnostic messages.
V690 The '=' operator is declared as private in the '_acquire_protector' class, but the default copy constructor will still be generated by compiler. It is dangerous to use such a class. cpprestsdk140.uwp.staticlib fileio_winrt.cpp 825
struct _acquire_protector
size_t m_size;
_acquire_protector& operator=(const _acquire_protector&);
uint8_t* m_ptr;
concurrency::streams::streambuf<uint8_t>& m_buffer;
V690 Copy constructor is declared as private in the 'ProductionState' class, but the default '=' operator will still be generated by compiler. It is dangerous to use such a class. dfa.cpp 76
class ProductionState {
// Disable public use of constructor, copy-ctor, ...
ProductionState( ) :
_production(cmpstr, hashstr, Form::arena)
{ assert( false, "NotImplemented"); };
ProductionState( const ProductionState & ) :
_production(cmpstr, hashstr, Form::arena)
{ assert( false, "NotImplemented"); }; // Deep-copy
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V690 The 'MemRegion' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class. memRegion.hpp 43
- V690 Copy constructor is declared as private in the 'Label' class, but the default '=' operator will still be generated by compiler. It is dangerous to use such a class. assembler.hpp 73
V690 The 'SQLQueryPrivate' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class. SQLDatabaseImpl.h 26
class SQLQueryPrivate
std::weak_ptr<SQLDatabase> _db_ref;
sqlite3 * _db;
sqlite3_stmt * _stmt;
bool _hasNext;
std::string _query;
SQLQueryPrivate(std::shared_ptr<SQLDatabase> db_ref,
sqlite3 * db, sqlite3_stmt * stmt,
const std::string& query);
SQLQueryPrivate(const SQLQueryPrivate& other);
SQLQueryPrivate::SQLQueryPrivate(const SQLQueryPrivate& other) :
const_cast<SQLQueryPrivate &>(other)._stmt = NULL;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V690 The 'BrowserImage' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class. BrowserImage.h 33
- V690 The 'DownloadRequest' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class. download-manager-downloadRequest.h 30
- V690 The 'CAudioError' class implements the '=' operator, but lacks a copy constructor. It is dangerous to use such a class. CAudioError.h 30
- And 2 additional diagnostic messages.